Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Obama Foreign Policy Doctrine: Make it up as we go and hope for the best. (My assessment.)

Happy Tuesday, July 1, 2014. Now we do know that time flies whether you are having a good time or not. We are already starting the 7th month of this year. We did learn from one so called expert as to why our President is allowing the entire world to blow up with chaos raining down all over the globe. A political commentator named Richard Wolfe had this to say: "I bet as demanding and draining as this is to look at so many different fronts in such a complex part of the world that we barely understand, this president in some way finds it a satisfying challenge because it's intellectually rigorous." Intellectually rigorous? Is there any end to the mind wrenching absurdities from these gadflies? He lets it all become a huge chess board of calamities because he likes the challenge? I started to say that I think I had heard it all but experience tells me there's more to come. If you buy into any of that, I really don't know what to say. Well, I know most people couldn't, but, let's dream a little here. The opposite would be a president who keeps things under control, makes deterrents work which keeps Russia from grabbing territories and China from provoking and threatening her neighbors. Well by Mr. Wolfe's calculations, that type of president would be dumb because they don't want to see the world turned upside down to satisfy the rigor of their intellect. I just happen to think his entire premise is bunk to begin with but I will have to say I'm still shaking my head over it. Insane is about all I can come up with on that one.

Law of Unintended Consequences
We may not be living in an upside down reality but it has to be at least close to it. That is, the way I see things. Other folks can't see it that way. They are so busy applauding they don't even notice these unbelievable examples of ineptitude being featured before their very eyes. They look at it all and see the chaos as intellectually challenging as opposed to outright cataclysmic failures. I sometimes wonder if we are seeing the same things. Oh don't get me wrong. I've known from the get go that when it comes to policies, the emperor has been naked as a jay bird. If it wasn't for the mainstream press always coming up with stories that attempt to obscure the reality of what's actually happening, well, this entire sham of leadership would sink from the sheer number found in it's own bloated weight of misjudgments. No. I'm not playing word games here. Bottom line. These folks took a mess and made it a bigger mess. It was a mess before, it is a mess now, and the mess that we have today will beget messy consequences for generations to come. Should I have labeled these comments with a disclaimer? The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the audience or anyone else, except for the writer, if you know what I mean.

Okay. That's my take. None of this means I have hate in my heart for anyone in our government. I pray for our leaders. I pray for our president. Facts are facts. Folks who take facts and attempt to make them a rallying cry for all kinds of hate filled responses, well, that's not where I am nor is it in keeping with what I believe God would have us to do. "First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity." These are the inspired instructions given by the Apostle Paul to his helper Timothy. (1st Timothy, Chapter 2, Verses 1-2) I remind us that most of the government powers were corrupted and evil at the time Paul gave that admonition. Can I have my say without it becoming a platform for personal attacks? I believe I can and I believe that being able to have our say is one of the great features of our freedom and liberty. Thanks to all who stayed until the end. I know many dropped out early, but, that's okay because making choices are also a fundamental right that we all enjoy. I say God bless America and God bless us all. Amen.  ...More later.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very well put Al