Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Joke of the Century: "I'm not interested in photo ops." (President Obama, 7-9-14, speaking about his decision not to visit the crisis on the border.)

Hello and welcome. It's Tuesday, July 15, 2014, and we are, at least in some places, expecting another round of the Polar Vortex, (whatever that is), right smack dab here in the middle of summer. I believe they have now officially withdrawn the Polar Vortex designation and are now calling it an old fashioned cold front. This means some places will be having fall like temperatures this week. It will actually have an impact on us as well. Instead of mid to high 90's, they say we will be in the low 90's for highs. I'll take that, the polar bear, the vortex, and anything else you have that will make it a little less oppressive. One thing is clear: There will not be any cooling of the tensions on our southern borders. Crisis? Check. Chaos? Check. Calamity? Check. (Caution: I feel some venting about to volcano itself onto my blog. Just so you know.) The sad part of this border situation involves the children. Most of them had nothing to do with their plight. Whatever we do, this has to be the focal point of finding a way forward. At the same time, let me share with you my view of how all of this developed. It's clear to me that we have an administration who has played games with nearly any and all things under their control, domestic and international. They are directly responsible through their policies and lack of enforcement of laws already on the books for the present situation. These games have typically been played for crass political reasons. They want to claim this, that, or the other now, but I would hope that most folks can see this for what it really is. I get so sick and tired of hearing this administration's mantra: "No one could have anticipated." What we have is a calamitous and tragic human crisis that could have been avoided, period. It didn't have to happen. It may not be their intended consequences but it could have been avoided. But sadly it wasn't, therefore, we do have to figure out what to do about it. I have great compassion for the children. At the same time I am livid over the actions and in-actions that brought this on. That's my take.

Mandella funeral: The President is not interested in photo ops!
And while I am at it, why in heaven's name would we be giving many more billions to the very same people who have already squandered the vast amounts they already have control over? These funds were allocated to them to carry out the law and the will of the people. And while I am at it part two, how in the world can people not see how our current President has nothing to offer but blaming others? That's it folks. I watched the two speeches he made last week, one in Colorado, and the other in Texas and I can't even begin to tell you how bizarre they were. Essentially, they were nothing more than stump speeches, campaign rally speeches. With his popularity sagging to 40% approval, I suppose his helpers have determined this is his best strategy. Blame Congress, translated: Mean Republicans. Blame rich people. Blame fate as in no one could have anticipated. And, finally, when all else fails blame Bush. No leader will ever be effective if all he has to offer is blaming others. I may not know everything about leadership but I can see it when it is absent. That's what we have: A total lack of leadership. He isn't interested in photo ops. No. Because, let's face it folks, he is a living, breathing, personification of a perpetual photo op. That's what he brings to the table. Okay. I feel a little better now. Don't know about you. But, perhaps that will do for today.

You see some really strange stuff driving around the huge metroplex and zipping here and there on the many freeways that connect us all. The other day I came up beside a huge 18 wheeler tractor and lo and behold there was a life size Scooby Doo strapped in and sitting in the passenger seat looking down on me. I did a double take. People using those hands free devices can really get you confused. If they like to talk with their hands, well, you get the idea they are waving to try and get over or something. Finally you get beside them and there they are, talking to beat the band. What's worse than being behind a poor soul stuck on the freeway driving 50 miles per hour, not sure where they are, and very much unaware of where they are going? How about a clueless convoy? Well, it was more like just two vehicles. I don't think they were together but they had traffic backed up like we had all been called to pracice for a funeral procession. I know. Patience is a virtue. Until next time I leave you with a hearty 'Scooby Dooby Doo! Where are you?' Okay for you purists out there: 'Rooby Rooby Roo!' May God bless and as one of my Bible Study participants reminded us all last Wednesday evening, we do need to remember to pray for those helpless young children caught up in all this turmoil on the border. Amen.  ....More later.

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