Wednesday, August 21, 2013

"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing." ~ Benjamin Franklin

Top of the morning to you on this Wednesday, August 21, 2013. In you are reading this you can agree with Benjamin Franklin's sentiment about his way of greeting each day: "I wake up every morning at nine and grab for the morning paper. Then I look at the obituary page. If my name is not on it, I get up." I know Mr. Franklin was a late night person and maybe that's why he used 9 a.m. as his morning wake up time. That would be very hard for me to envision. But, his thought has to do with being alive and able to get up and going, therefore, there's something we can accomplish. Driving down deserted roads in the wee hours of the morning over time has gotten me acquainted with some of the nocturnal animals that roam around. I have learned to look for a particular well fed coyote in the same vicinity as I make my way in. I'm not sure but I think he might recognize my vehicle. He seems at times to shoot me a knowing glance. He's on his way home from his night job and I'm on my way in to my day job. In other words, we have a connection of sorts, or, maybe, truth is, I do really need to learn how to stay in the bed until 9 a.m. like Bro. Ben.

Being as prolific a writer as Benjamin Franklin, he is often credited for sayings that he did not come up with. He's also given credit for inventions that are not his. This doesn't mean he lacked any at all in the body of work he accomplished. I heard the joke for years that went like this. Benjamin Franklin invented the stove, isn't that a hot one? In fact, he did invent a stove that was vastly superior to others in use, so much so, that it can still be purchased today. When we think about those who helped to found our nation, it was quite a group. Some were known for their eloquence. Others did not speak so well. Some were well educated. Some were not, (like George Washington, for instance). Some were very committed to their belief in God. Others did not espouse a loud testimony. Some were very wealthy. Others had more modest means. In other words, they were a mixed lot, if you will, therefore, it is my belief that it was God who orchestrated this grand experiment that we call the United States of America. It was by His providence. This was a common thread of belief among those who helped birth our land. And I say Amen and Amen.

Many today in the scholarly world have spent their time attempting to find as much dirt as they can on these folks. As they do that, they then can rewrite the history books and present those we believe to be patriots as the worst sort of folks. These people almost always have an axe to grind. They like to start with the wrong they believe in and then back fill their version of the facts. I've been consistent. I know those who were involved in our nation's founding were mere mortal men and women. They had failings. They had blind spots. They did not always do the right thing, every time. In case you haven't checked lately, these are the kind of people God used as recorded in His Holy Word. That being said, I still contend that, warts and all, we do have a God ordained country and to try and destroy this exceptional working on behalf of our nation is a disservice to our children and those who will follow. Thankfully, there are those committed historians who are working tirelessly to stem the tide of these angry revisionists. I thank God for those that do stand up for a true representation of the facts as we know them. I thank God for our nation, and I thank God for those He used to provide to us the country we live in today. Amen. I guess I was in a flag waving mood today. Maybe that's why my shoulder is a little sore.   ....More later.

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