Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Celebrating our version of National Twins Day!

Alesha Camille & Amanda Faith
Welcome once again where we find ourselves dealing with that which is before us and it turns out to be Tuesday, August 6, 2013. They just concluded the annual Twins Day Festival up in Twinsburg, Ohio. However, our twins day celebration is today because our twin granddaughters, Alesha Camille, and Amanda Faith are celebrating their 15th birthday today. When they were infants they were inseparable. Now they have grown and become quite different, as in night and day, but they still share many things in common. They are blessed to know the Lord God of heaven through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. God has given to each of them many talents and abilities. And, they are loved, 24x7. They are also prayed for every day. And, finally, we do thank God for them. Have a great birthday girls! Love, MiMi and Poppy

My sweet sister JoAnn will be undergoing a series of tests today to check on the status of her Chronic Leukemia. The tests include another bone marrow and that is never something to look forward to. We are praying that the multiple treatments she has completed will put her in remission. Please whisper a prayer for her. I mention her fully realizing that for everyone who breathes air on the planet there are typically people, troubles, and circumstances that are of concern. None of us are immune. None. As God's created human family we are stuck living in a sin cursed fallen world, however, we are not without hope. For those who have never trusted Him for the saving of their soul, He calls them to trust in His provision through the death, burial, and resurrection of His one and only Son, Jesus Christ. (John 3:16) For those of us who do know him as His own dear children, He calls us to cry out to Him in our time of need. (Psalm 18:6) And, we are privileged to do that very thing on behalf of each other. (James 5:16) Amen.

These grandchildren birthdays are like mile markers on this journey that God has provided to us. Our little great grand Madi is like having a living breathing highlight reel running of her mom, our first grandchild, Tiffany. In so many ways she is a carbon copy and when I see her interact with her grandfather, our eldest, Chris, well, I am transported back in time. What wonderful memories they are. The growing up process brings with it change and maturity but the blessings are there and we thank God for them all. Each of them carry with them the heritage of our family while at the same time they reflect their God given uniqueness. Our desire has always been to influence them to know God and to follow His ways. We had those in our family who did the same for us. This is God's pattern and we thank Him that so many of our grand kids have made their profession of faith in accepting Christ. We pray for each of them by name every day along with their parents. That's what we do. That's who we are. And, yes, that's how we roll. Have a good Tuesday and may God bless each one. Amen.     .....More later.

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