Wednesday, May 1, 2013

"Experience is the hardest kind of teacher. It gives you the test first and the lesson afterward." Author Unknown

How's it going out there? Hot off the wire: One set of new reports say we're coming out of the doldrums and the economy will soon be humming merrily on its way. That sounds mighty good to me. Hold that thought! Another report is just in and it is telling us something much less optimistic and forecasting how that we may be stuck in neutral for the foreseeable future. It's Wednesday, May 1, 2013 and I'm sorry to inform you that's the way the cookie crumbles, or, at least that's pretty much been the story for the last several years. This past Sunday I think I might have been one of only two or three who held up a hand confessing I was a news junkie. The preacher had asked that question in view of all the major news stories going on over the past couple of weeks. Many folks would rather not tune in. Just too depressing, they say. However, when you do pay attention you begin to spot these awkward flip flops regarding reports on things like the economy. I'm not sure in my adult years we have ever been in such a situation where stuff from every direction is being thrown against the wall hoping something will stick. Best I can tell, not much is sticking. I said I was a news junkie, not a news addict, however, the things I see and read tells me what I've shared with you before, these are some really strange times we're living in folks, very strange indeed.

That preacher said he had stayed up all night as they pursued the bombing suspects. I didn't know about it because I was asleep. The last time I remember being up all night fixated on a news story was the Bush/Gore fiasco election of 2000. We have a winner. No. We don't have a winner. Yes. Now we do have a winner. Sorry. That was a wrong report. Finally, as the time drew near for me to go to work they announced they would have to go to the courts to decide. I know most of us were up some late hours when 9-11 occurred. That was perhaps the most shocking event to rock our nation, at least in my lifetime. The assassinations of President Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Bobby Kennedy were all huge events with serious impacts, but, 9-11 pretty much stands out as the most significant. I think it is because of how that one act of terror so changed our thought process in terms of safety and security. Some call it the loss of innocence as a nation, and, maybe that was it. It was incredulous that something like that could even happen. Now we are faced with another attack in Boston, telling us that while we stand in defiance of these cowardly acts, yet, even though we increased spending by many billions more than we did before 9-11, we are still not safe, period. That, my friend, has been tough on us all and especially on our confidence and on our psyche. Truth is, we need the knowledge that God is with us, not matter what. That's an individual situation based on personal faith in God's provision, His One and Only Son. I'm sure glad He is with me every step of the way. How about you?

At times we do like us some escape from all of this incessant war and rumors of war that so dominates the landscape of our lives. I can do that as I go here and there through my little satellite radio, especially the Old Time Radio station where I can enjoy detective thrillers, slap stick comedy, westerns, and historical docudramas. Don't worry. I still have that news junkie urge to check all the usual suspects every little bit to make sure I'm up to date of any new calamities. And, there's always some good preaching to listen to from those who do their best with God's help to rightly divide the Word of truth. (2nd Timothy 2:15) Many have attempted to analyze the impact on our nation in us all living in the fishbowl of the 24 hour, second by second, live portrayal of any and all things that passes itself off as news. We can't help but know that most of us are more well informed. But, I suppose the question has to do with what that means, if anything, to our well being. It does give new opportunities for folks to discuss issues in real time. I exchange emails with folks on any number of topics and it is always interesting to read the comments from other folks at the bottom of an attached article or news story. Many times the comments are much more interesting than the actual story. On most days I do try to have somewhat of a unifying theme in mind as I write. I'm not sure this would be one of those days except to refer us all to paragraph two because it is true folks, Jesus is the answer to any and all of our questions. Amen.    .....More later.

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