Monday, May 27, 2013

"Something else helped the men of D-day: their rockhard belief that Providence would have a great hand in the events that would unfold here; that God was an ally in this great cause. And so, the night before the invasion, when Colonel Wolverton asked his parachute troops to kneel with him in prayer he told them: Do not bow your heads, but look up so you can see God and ask His blessing in what we're about to do. Also that night, General Matthew Ridgway on his cot, listening in the darkness for the promise God made to Joshua: 'I will not fail thee nor forsake thee.'" President Ronald Reagan on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of D-Day

Welcome to the designated Memorial Day observance here on this Monday, May 27, 2013. The official day originally set up was May 30th. But, we do like our long weekends, therefore, Congress changed a number of the national holidays so that they would accommodate the three day respite. Over the last couple of weeks I've been catching chapters here and there on my satellite radio audio book station about the D-Day invasion during WWII. The book is entitled 'D-Day, The Battle for Normandy' written by Antony Beevor. Mr. Beevor is known for his detailed and in-depth reporting of great historical events. There have been many books written on this subject, however, Mr. Beevor's account includes vivid descriptions from the actual boots on the ground, the military forces from both sides, those who were eye witness participants in this game changing invasion. To hear it read is gripping. One swells up with pride as the allied forces engage in this epic battle. At the same time it is a gut wrenching and horrific detailed account of the carnage that ensued, on both sides. Those readings were sad reminders of the ultimate price paid by so many, and since that is the meaning behind Memorial Day, to honor all those who have died in military service, I bow my head in thanking God for them all, and their sacrifices for the cause of freedom. Amen.

In the midst of our enjoyment of the good times that these freedom fighters died to give to us, it's only right that we would to pause and give God thanks for them and all others who have worn the uniform and shed their blood for us all. Have a great Monday and Lord willing we will see what comes up for our next visit for tomorrow. See you then.      ....More later.

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