Wednesday, October 19, 2011

"Yes Virginia, there really is something called a Cool Front!"

Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay. My, oh my, what a wonderful day. Praise the Lord it landed right here on this Wednesday, October 19, 2011. Pay attention now because here comes something you will not hear from me very often. The weather people. You know the ones I often give less than the highest marks on the doing of their jobs. Today I tip my cap to them because they saw a front a comin, it was a comin down the tracks, and this time it actually arrived, therefore, we are in the midst of what someone somewhere might call the first really good indication that a season change may be in the offing. They also added that Monday may have been the last 90 plus day of the year. Now that one is a little risky given this unbelievable year but I'll take anything in the forties (or lower) to start my day, any day, and be thankful for it. Have you ever made your coffee a little too strong? That's when you have just so much left in the bag and you empty it all out and even though it looks a little more than your norm (which is already strong) it turns out to slap you around a little all the way down to your gizzard. But, the way you deal with it is to not give up. That second sip will be more palatable than the first and you just keep going and suddenly you have come to the last drop and you think, my how rich and flavorful the Community was today. What's that you say? I've just given you reason number 99 for why you are glad you are not me? See. I do try to bring something to the table every day.

My wife carried a copy of last Friday's blog with her to Louisiana so that she could share what I wrote with her brother Cleon. He answered the phone Friday night when I called to check on them and said that while he appreciated the kind words, he couldn't figure out who that person was when he read it. I told him that he did not have to worry about folks trying to come up with something good to say when he moves on to his reward because his life has done the talking for him. He said it was a tall order to live up to some of those comments but he did appreciate me saying them. He said it read like something that was in a newspaper. I told him that would be an appropriate place for it because he has been the kind of citizen in his community that should be recognized. I mention this because we all need to be reminded that words are good and they can be very helpful in encouraging others, but actions and works actually tell the tale. I think at times it is our orientation to make the meaning of The Scriptures much more difficult than they are. The other day I listened to a great theologian on the radio as he handled a verse or two. He presented nearly thirty minutes of analysis, language construction, and expository evaluation. It was wonderful. It was beautiful. But, was that what God intended? I think He, like Dr. J. Vernon MaGee said he used to try and do, He put the cookies on the bottom shelf, so that everyone can get hold of the truths He provided to us. How do we know when we have an understanding of the truth? "He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?" (Micah 6:8)

A lady at the hospital Monday morning was having trouble with her blood pressure. They kept telling her they couldn't do the procedure unless they could get it down. She was very annoyed and of course that most likely caused her blood pressure to be even worse. She wanted her doctor to come and do something. It's pretty easy to get agitated. Right? In fact, I think agitated is the right word for describing how our culture operates at this time. And, at times with good reason with all the challenges being faced. However, it spills over into things that don't end up making a dime's worth of difference. Back when I was a young man working nights on a dam construction job, myself and my partner came into the shop where it was nice and warm. It was below freezing outside and we had been out in it for hours. I began to tell everyone how bad it was and how bad we had it. The job superintendent happened to overhear my comments and he came over and said this, "Would somebody give that boy a quarter and tell him to shut up!" Everyone laughed but I have never forgotten that incident. I know the kids today like the comeback, "Would you like some cheese with that whine?" I suppose I need to remember to keep the small stuff in it's proper category labeled Small Stuff. Then I also need to remember that in terms of eternity, most of it, not all, but most of it by comparison is pretty small indeed. Have a great rest of the day and excuse me while I go and find my ice skates. May God bless. Amen.        .....More later.

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