Friday, October 14, 2011

Getting ready for the colonoscopy helps me to sympathize with the drain pipe who is waiting for the Roto Rooter man!

Brady Darrell with Rodney Darrell
Home Alone. Rodney, our youngest, told me that Brady, his youngest, has been watching Home Alone 2, over and over, since it has recently been running on cable. Those two original movies captivate kids at certain ages and they are also great fun to watch for some kids of all ages, you know, like three people I'm thinking about right now .... me, myself, and I. But me playing the part of Kevin while the lady of the house is away, well, that's another story entirely. Just kidding. It's been a reasonably active and busy week and I'm pleased to report that today is Friday, October 14, 2011, and I bid you a warm welcome. I missed it by one day. I had paid attention to the weather forecast for Thursday and it was supposed to be cooler so like the lemming looking for a cliff I wore a long sleeve shirt. Silly me. That forecast was a little premature. I wore my sleeves rolled up all day. But, praise the Lord, it did finally get here and today it's a wonderfully cooler 52 degrees. Door is open, the Community is hot, thick, and black, and when I finish here today I go home where I will be all alone. We've had a house full of kids this week and to tell the truth, going home to an empty house is not such an unpleasant thought.

I am scheduled to undergo a colonoscopy early next Monday morning. Therefore, I will be on a hiatus from my blog for that day. Lord willing I will be back in my regular place on Tuesday. This will be my second such procedure and to be honest, based on my prior experience, it's not anything special to be looking forward to. I told the lady doctor I had read that they were using some type of scan technique in Europe that did not require the dreaded preparation or the surgery. She smiled and said in a very condescending tone, that while some were doing that, you have to know that if they see anything at all on the scan, then you are right back to the preparation and the surgical procedure. She said the way it is done here is typically best because they are able to deal with any minor issues while doing the test and in particular, folks my age usually have some minor issues to deal with. Well, thank you very much. I think I read where she graduated at the head of her class. Well, okay then. In a related matter I called the lady at my Medicare Advantage place to talk to her about all of these changes being made for 2012 that involve individual cost increases. She couldn't have been more agreeable or sympathetic. She did confirm that these changes were being made in connection with the coming healthcare reform. (Told you!) But agreeable and sympathetic doesn't change a cotton picking thing! There are about 24 plans somewhat comparable to this one in our area. They now have all of these in side by side comparisons available out on the government Medicare website. They all cost about the same and while some differ here and there in how they cost out the services, all of them are looking at major increases for next year. Bottom line, the one I have still carries the best overall rating, therefore, we will just have to soldier on. (While I am mostly trying to make this into an amusing anecdote, I do know that these planned increases are no laughing matter to countless thousands. There is a gentleman here at our company and he and his wife are strapped financially and he is in very poor health. He said this to me: "We have no idea how we are going to be able to pay those increases." And, that makes it very serious indeed.)

I know that much of my tongue in cheek at times may sound like complaining. I would never want to mislead anyone. I know that God is Sovereign and He is at work to accomplish His purpose in all things. All things. Therefore, even when I attempt to poke fun or share an insight into a personal difficulty, never get the idea that I am unaware of the privileged position I am in. Not because of me and who I am, but because of Him and His provision for me through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. I can be negative. I know how. I've even had some practice at it. But, when I am thinking straight, with God's help, I am always aware of His grace and mercy towards me and for that and so much more I am eternally grateful. In my Sunday Bible Study, I am currently teaching through the Sermon on the Mount from Matthew's Gospel and I'm teaching from the First Epistle of Peter on Wednesday evenings. These are some profoundly powerful passages and I am humbled by the truths Jesus put forth and then to see many of them come to fruition in the life of Peter as he encouraged others to remain faithful regardless of their circumstances. Powerful stuff. Humbling stuff. It's not for them only. It's me, it's me, it's me oh Lord, standing in the need of prayer. And with that I will say so long for now and may God bless and keep you until we meet again. Amen.           .....More later.

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