Monday, October 24, 2011

''Everything is changing. People are taking their comedians seriously and the politicians as a joke.'' —Will Rogers

I've been keeping a low profile on sharing any political commentary of late. But we've landed here on Monday, October 24, 2011, and with the various states threatening to backdate the primaries so they can be first, I thought some shade tree observations would be in order. I would have thought by now there would have been an avalanche of jokes and anecdotes over the stolen teleprompter. A van was swiped outside a hotel where the President's advance team was staying. It contained $200,000 worth of audio equipment including the famed electronic word wizard. Maybe it's because the Secret Service has maintained one of those cone of silence deals. A few wisecracks have emerged but not from the mainstream media. "Early word out of MSNBC suggests all boom mics will remain at half-staff as our nation attempts to deal with this tragic development," Dan Riel, at Riehl Word View. ~ "At this time, nothing about the teleprompter thief or thieves is known,"  But word is "that police are on the lookout for anybody who can't stop saying, 'Pass this jobs bill.'" Doug Powers at Michelle Malkin's blog. ~ Surely Obama is devastated by the loss, But he "has yet to comment on this. For obvious reasons." Dennis DiClaudio at Comedy Central. ~ One popular blog had this as a headline: National Crisis Averted: Obama’s Stolen Teleprompter Returned Safely. ~ Another one echoed: Obama's Stolen Teleprompter recovered, national silence averted.~ I know some of the late night comedians had some routines on it and there may be more to come but you have to love a good story because life is like that. I realize that politicians have always used notes, cards, and other props but President Obama has really taken the teleprompter use to a new level. And, that's what makes it funnier than perhaps had it happened to President George W. Bush where they would have said mostly hateful things and the critical comments would surely have been carried by all the major networks. Paranoid? Maybe. But, from my vantage point, I'm just stating the facts here, at least, as I see them.

I continue to be grossly underwhelmed by the Republicans who are running for the nomination for President. Their new reality television series called Let's Make Ourselves Look Like Morons is both distressing and depressing. You thought it was called a debate forum. I know the common response has been that any of those running would be better than the present occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and while I get that as a statement, having such a lackluster crew to choose from may make that much more difficult to pull off. With all due respect to my fellow citizens here in the great state of Texas, Rick Perry, in my opinion, has fulfilled every facet of my initial thoughts when he got into the race; he has been, is today, and will be, going forward, a mostly empty suit. This doesn't mean I dislike him, or his family, or 100% of how he has conducted himself as Governor. But when it comes to dealing one on one against that noted incumbent, we are going to have to do better than Mr. Perry. Sorry. But that's the way I see it. I am beginning to like Herman Cain more and more, but, in my opinion, he is going to have to load up with a little more substance on the issues of our day if he is going to be viable. I for one am not that concerned that he is not a professional politician. In fact, the fact that he isn't appeals to me from the get go. Professional politicians give us stuff like Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader, did last week. Here's his exact quote: "It's very clear that private-sector jobs have been doing just fine; it's the public-sector jobs where we've lost huge numbers, and that's what this legislation is all about." Several news sources immediately published job numbers that showed his statement to be pure nonsense. See what I mean? Not just a disconnect but its a projection from an alternate reality. Or something like that.

The thought of a black super conservative business man replacing a black super liberal professional politician has a good ring to it, in my opinion. But we will see. Ultimately, according to the Scriptures, God is in control. There is a chilling scene depicted in the writings of Daniel that should make us all sit up and take notice. Daniel had received a vision from the Lord God of heaven and was waiting to get the interpretation from Gabriel, an Angel of the Lord. Gabriel was delayed in coming to Daniel because of the warfare going on in the heavenly realm. He had to do battle with those fallen angelic beings that were influencing the pagan nations of that day. Nations were under the influence of demonic power. Those named were great world powers. Folks, does that sound scary to you? It does to me. And, does that peak your interest enough to want to go and read it for yourself? Daniel Chapter 10. I do not want to see our nation become one that is empowered by and influenced by the Devil and his demonic legions. You think that is too far fetched to even mention? I wish I could agree but our hope yesterday, today, and forever, is found in a return to our God. Let's stay vigilant in our prayers that this very thing would happen. Soon. Amen. May God bless.        ....More later.

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