Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Caution: Today's blog has not been cleared for publication by the Food Police!

Hello folks, good to see you again, and thanks for showing up to read my little ditty for this Tuesday, October 11, 2011. I had my indignation cap on yesterday and it just kind of overflowed. I didn't mention the steady, nearly all day rain that we received on Sunday. It was stunning. It was humbling. It was refreshing. It was not predicted, at least not on Saturday, but for this time, I'll give the weather folks a pass, because that steady rain was nothing less than showers of blessing and we gave God the glory many times as that wonderful noise outside our window continued throughout the day. It was a wonderful Lord's Day Sunday. My wife fixed one of her patented pot roast meals with field peas and okra and cornbread on the side. I could feel the warm smiles from heaven of my Granny Mac and my mother-in-law Mom Rawles as I savored every bite. I also felt the necessity to announce a temporary suspension of all diabetic blood monitoring activity. Announced only but I didn't carry that edict out. But it was that good. It reminded me of that often heard saying, so good it melted in my mouth. The long line of cooks that I've been blessed to have put plates on my table have made it impossible for me to enjoy anything that carries the label, "Homestyle". Forget about it. What's that you say? You enjoy some of those frozen meals that carry that label? I pause at this moment to say a special prayer for you my friend but at the same time I thank God for allowing me the privilege to enjoy food like I did this past Sunday.

This sounds a little over the top to you? Wait a minute. The word translated feast and feasting is used over 200 times in the original King James Version, along with the word translated supper, some 14 times. And we do know one of the major events yet to be realized when Jesus sets up His kingdom here on earth is a banquet called the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, as revealed in The Revelation of Jesus Christ, Chapter 19, Verse 9. That's why many of us love the old Gospel song, 'Suppertime'. "Come home come home it's suppertime the shadows lengthen fast Come home come home it's suppertime we're going home at last." I know it's not very sophisticated but it does portray an example of our implanted homing instinct for that heavenly home that has been prepared for us. Jesus promised us that one day we will be with Him forever and ever, Amen. (John Chapter 14) There is a huge discussion going on about religion in the current presidential campaign. That same passage is relevant because it is the one where our Savior declared that He and He alone is the only way to God. That means for those of us who believe in Him that He is the Author of our salvation, we embrace this truth and stand up for it because to believe otherwise is to miss heaven. That is more than a line in the sand, it's the difference between heaven and hell and we need not cave in to the false teachings that promote a many roads to heaven theology. One entrance only. He, God the very God in human flesh made it very clear. Amen.

I heard a British commentator talking about Americans and how their views on religion have changed over the years. He said at one time Christians, especially serious Christians, were unyielding in their narrowly defined beliefs. They defended the Bible and what they believed it teaches. He went on to say that over the years that has mellowed as America has become more humanistic in terms of moderating their strongly held religious beliefs. He also shared that America is still somewhat lagging behind the Europeans who have pretty much made religion a non issue. I don't know about you but I am not proud of this assessment. I don't want to see our nation follow the path to tolerance that leaves God completely out of the picture. Even truth is getting a bum rap today. A prominent pastor was asked last week about the religious beliefs of a particular candidate based on that candidate's identification with a certain religious order. This pastor answered that question in a very clear and historically accurate manner. You would have thought a bomb had gone off. How dare he? The pummeling then began with one media source after another playing up this as an example of intolerance on the part of conservatives who embrace the tenants of the historic Christian faith. This pastor's response was based entirely upon the readily available teachings of this particular religious order as compared to the truth claims that Christians have always embraced. Isaiah was inspired to proclaim this against those who distort truth: "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" (Isaiah 5:20) As this erosion of truth continues I can only imagine how it will be in our great granddaughter's generation. May God help is all I can think of as a way forward. Remember, He is in control and He will fulfill every jot ant tittle of His Word! Amen.    ....More later.

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