Thursday, October 27, 2011

Where there's smoke, there just might be the makings of a bad idea!

Hello and welcome. If you have reached this page in error, I apologize. If you came here intentionally, I offer my sympathy, but I am very glad you came, because you, I, and the rest of civilization have no idea what might be percolating here at the blog factory on this Thursday, October 27, 2011. You never know what a day might bring. I read where 60 Elvis impersonators had to flee the hotel where they were performing in Kent, England. The smoke machine they were using as part of the presentation set the fire alarms off and they all had to make a run for it. Can you imagine what the folks outside thought when they saw that bunch heading in all directions. Talk about being 'All Shook Up!" Sorry. I couldn't resist. Then you have the fellow in Pennsylvania who got drunk and decided to take his clothes off and go up to people's doors, knock on them, and surprise them. After harassing several people in the neighborhood he came and knocked on the door that belonged to the chief of police. Talk about having the wrong address! I also read about an 87 year old man in Detroit who was stopped for a lane violation and the police found 104 bricks of cocaine in his vehicle worth an estimated 3 million dollars. I know we all are upset about the increases in medical expenses but surely he could have found a better part time job than this! It is a strange world after all, and yes, Virginia, we all help make it that way.

The President left the East Coast for a tour of the Left Coast. According to press reports, his fund raisers among the movie elites were blacked out with no photos to be taken. However, all the press were invited to show up at the soup kitchen for a photo op. While incessantly railing against the Republicans for not being serious about the trouble our nation is facing, our President found the time to tape a comedy segment for the Jay Leno Show. The President wants credit for pulling the troops out of Iraq. After untold billions and the loss of 4,000 American patriots, I'm not unhappy to see the troops coming home. However, we will leave behind a mess and the truth is that we are not pulling out, we are essentially being kicked out by a corrupt government. Many respected analysts have concluded that this so called promise kept by our President will result in a huge increase in the influence of Iran as they come in and fill the void we will leave behind. The Democrats are in an odd position. They have traditionally been left leaning towards pacifism but now find themselves forced to portray their candidate as the Rambo of the West Wing, Assassin extraordinaire, and the steady eyed gunslinger ready to pull the trigger at the slightest provocation. This is laughable but also lamentable as it demonstrates just how high the stakes are when it comes to political power. In our system the guy at the top gets to dole out the tax payer's largess and folks that song plays to the tune of trillions, which pretty much says it all. You didn't catch any of this in the mainstream media? Don't be surprised and don't hold your breath because they chose sides back in 2008 and they are sticking with their liberal icon. What little objectivity in the so called independent non-aligned press passed off the scene a number of years ago. If you don't believe me, just ask me. This concludes another eyewitness account from the front lines reported on behalf of The View From Here.

Maybe they should call me the Opinionator. Hey. We are all entitled to them. We have folks near and dear to us who see it completely different. They believe President Obama is there for the little guy. They believe he is doing the best he can but he has to do battle each day with the mean old Republicans who only care about rich people. And, may I add, that's exactly what the President and his team are hoping that folks will believe. With his approval ratings hovering around 40%, I would say he has quite a bit more convincing to do. Those near and dear to us who disagree with my assessment of the situation are still near and dear to us, and that is not going to change. Do I believe they are wrong? Obviously I do. However, as I have said many times before, there's enough corruption to go around when it comes to the games being played in our nation's capital. Folks have become jaded over time and I understand this. There's plenty of reason for us all to be singing the somebody done somebody wrong song regardless of the party in charge. The reason we speak up is because our decisions do have consequences and when it is all said and done, we have to choose what we believe is best in terms of respect for God and country, and what is best for our children and their children. Tough choices. Yes! And, none of us like to wear those clothes pins on our noses when we go into the voting booth, and, wearing them also makes us sound funny when we whine! You do know what I mean? I know you do, Vern. Have a blessed day and may God bless our nation. Amen.            .....More later.

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