Tuesday, October 18, 2011

"Doctor, doctor, I will be able to play the piano when you finish, right? Of course you will! That's great because I've never been able to play before!"

Good Tuesday morning and welcome to October 18, 2011. I have returned from my quick weight loss program. It's good to be back. Last Friday I had an occasion to be out very early for our company which required me to traverse the highways and byways that connect into the metroplex. It's 6 a.m. and there is a sea of lights, already. I remember back when they couldn't develop some land for oil and gas because the snail darter minnow was endangered. Guess what? We have plenty of darters out there on the freeways and they are not only endangering themselves but others also. It was a horrific morning for traffic. One of the main arteries was shut down because an 18 wheeler had hit a concrete bunker causing it to become airborne and when it came down it landed on the top of a car stopped at a toll booth. The vehicles burst into flames and the person in the car as well as the truck driver lost their lives. We never know what a day will bring. Think about it. The truck driver was out doing his thing and the person at the toll booth was attempting to pay the fare. Bam! Next thing they knew this life was done. I think about their families. This is the reality of life that many would rather not think about, but we just never know and that's why we should be ready at all times to meet our Maker. It doesn't mean we have to be a doomsayer, we just have to know that it is appointed unto men once to die and then the judgment. (Hebrews (9:27)

They say the lines were long as they sold over 4 million of the new I-Phones from Apple since last Friday. People stood in line for hours. I didn't. I wouldn't. Or, at least I don't think that I would. I have had to stay in line for gasoline after Hurricane Ike. I also remember doing the same thing back during the oil embargo in 1973-1974. I also stood in line last year with one of my granddaughters so she could get a children's book author to autograph her book. My grandson paid for a game back in August that he will not get his hands on until November. He has his copy reserved. Paid in advance. Not a bad marketing strategy if you can make it work. Right? I heard some experts talking about the new features on the I-Phone. They had to wipe the drool off their chins as they were oohing and ahhing over this clever technique and that phenomenal enhancement. I don't even have numbers stored in my directory. I am way behind. If it bothers me I must have missed the symptoms. I will admit to being impressed when I see an older person sliding their fingers on the face of their smart phone and looking at screens, doing Facebook, and who knows what else. Everyone tells me that once I get one I will never look back because it will revolutionize my ability to connect. I'll continue to think about it but it does sound a little extreme to me, and I do wonder if the pent up demand is based on anything that actually adds something to productivity or is it all just having the latest, greatest version of lights, bells, and whistles. Know what I mean?

You see some pretty interesting sights if you are looking for them. Very early the other morning I came by a Chic Fil A and it was about 10 minutes before they opened at 6 a.m. Two sheriff's deputies were standing there peering into the place like little kids looking at toys in the store window. I suppose it was good they weren't doing that at the stereotypical donut shop. There's little doubt a chicken biscuit would be easier on the waistline. The colonoscopy went well and the overall result was an appointment to come back again in five years. That was the good news. Watching the people stumble into work at 6:30 a.m. and observing them trying to get their badge into the slot, well, some of them did look a little sleepy to be working on my case. Know what I mean? Mostly joking. Mostly. Oh yeah. There was that incident. The one where they attempted to get the IV going in my hand and tried and tried and then had to move it to my arm. "You should be glad sir that you have such strong walls in you veins." Don't expect me to show up for any awards anytime soon and oh by the way, it hurt like old billy heck. But I've grown accustomed to it being the fault of the patient. Just kidding. Very pleasant people. Excellent attitudes. Other than the loss of the use of my hand for the next few days I give them at least the four and one half stars they already have as their rating. Again. Joking only. I'll probably have that hand going way before then, in fact, it will probably be ready to go as soon as the keyboard calls. Have a great Tuesday and may God bless each one. Amen.      .....More later.

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