Friday, October 28, 2011

I will admit it, yes, it is true, I have been practicing my ho-ho-ho's!

Let me see if I have this right. We have arrived on Friday, October 28, 2011, and a mild cool front has also arrived, (finally), into our area. (54 degrees F, as I sit here this morning with a light breeze.) What a combination folks! I know I have been all over the page this week as each day's episode has unfolded. I would like to tell you this was planned but it really wasn't. When I sit down to write I think about it as I put it on the page. While it may originate in my cranium first, it's not there long enough for me to do much about it before it makes its landing. Maybe I could call it diversity but likely discombobulated would be a better way to describe it. The folks back home used to call it scatterbrained and that's a fair assessment, at least as I see it. But, how in the world are you doing, anyway? A week from tomorrow, Lord willing, I will be sitting in the over sized chair with a few hundred children yearning to sit in my lap. Yep. That would be correct. I begin my third season of my portrayal of that Jolly Old Elf himself. People tell me all the time how lucky I am to be able to do this little sideline and I do feel blessed and fortunate to work with so many precious children. But, one thing I have learned, when you do several hours straight, you will know that you have, and you will not need to be rocked to sleep that night. I tell people it's harder than you think but they mostly give me that 'sure it is' smug response. The children. That's what really makes it worthwhile. The parents. In my experience, not so much, especially where photographs are involved. I will be checking out my gear this weekend to make sure everything is in order. That's right. Checking my list twice. And, don't forget, we have the 'Mrs.' joining me in some venues. That should be something. And, I'm sure it will be!

That reminds me. I had better do some searches on the hot toys for this upcoming season so that I can at least be conversant with the kiddos. It's always fun to see the parents cringe whenever the child mentions something totally different than what they already have hidden in the attic. The parent will immediately try to remind them of how much they love Thomas the Train but often the kid isn't buying it. They then give me that look that says I should do something about it. How funny is that? Of course that's not easy because a rocket firing robot trumps old Thomas any day of the week. I well remember how that Wish Book from Sears became just that when we were kids. Talk about dogeared. There were six of us kids and we had to share it. When it came my turn I knew exactly the section I wanted to see. I'm not sure all that wishing was healthy but it sure was fun and I can't see where it harmed any of us. My mom always went all out for us kids and she made memories for us that we still look back on and cherish today. We didn't leave Jesus out of our celebration. We knew the real meaning of Christmas. But, we also had a grand time and my wife and I did our best to provide that same experience for our boys growing up. I suppose that is the definition of a handed down tradition, and a good one, at least that's the way I see it.

I have been trying to think of a cliffhanger ending that will compel you to return next week to see what happened. Will our hero make it through the traffic and get home safely? Stay tuned. Will he find time to write his Bible study handout in time for it to be used in his class Sunday morning? Stay tuned. Will he enjoy a cup of Community made strong and black to sip while standing out on his driveway breathing in the low 40's air? You do not have to stay tuned for that one, Lord willing, you can count on it! I suppose all of us could provide our own lists of what if scenarios that define our daily lives. And, as we often say, we really do not know what each day will bring, therefore, we need to embrace the one that God has provided to us, today, and be thankful for it while we do our best, with His help, to make the most of it. On Wednesday afternoon I had the misfortune to be hurrying home from work and was behind this lady. We came to an intersection and the light had only begun to change and I thought surely she would go through and I would to. She didn't, but I did. (I should have known, it was the remote control deal, all over again.) I had to swerve into the other lane and slam on my brakes about as hard as they can be slammed on. I don't know how many g's I was pulling when I got stopped, but praise the Lord those were brand new brakes because I'm pretty sure the old ones would not have held. And, what about the fact there was no car in the other lane? What about that? I certainly didn't have time to check before I careened into it. She was probably one of those driving instructors or something. But it just goes to show you how many near misses we all encounter each day, many of which, we may not even recognize. That's why I am thankful to be able to be here this morning to wish you God's speed as you go along your way. Enjoy your Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday and we'll catch up with you next Monday, Lord willing, of course! Amen.         ....More later.

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