Friday, October 7, 2011

Please don't let worry kill you. Let our Church help. (Church Sign)

It did not take long for Friday to roll around, did it? Therefore, we welcome it and you on this Friday, October 7, 2011. I saw a poll that indicated the President's campaign to divide America based on class and income is working. Over 60% believe those in higher income brackets should pay more in taxes. We now see the street protests going on in New York City. Have you heard some of the comments by those out on the streets? It is hard to take people seriously on any issue when they blame the Jewish people for all the trouble in the world, or they still claim that President George W. Bush was behind 9-11, and that we need to overthrow those in power and usher in a new style of government. That new government as they have defined it would be one that sounds like socialism if not outright Communism as its approach. This is what they think will bring back the American dream? While I can appreciate the frustrations of those who are out of work and also those who have a good education but can't find a job, but turning to a repressive and freedom killing style of government will not do anything but destroy any hope for our way of life. The late Dr. J. Vernon MaGee predicted that one day there would be great turmoil and upheaval in our land, and throughout the world. He said most believed it would be based on race but his view was it would be a war between the haves and have nots. Sadly, we have a sitting President who has decided that fanning these very flames during these difficult times is his strategy to try and win reelection. This is sad my friend, very sad indeed.

I think anyone with any common sense is for fairness in our system. And, anyone who pays attention knows that our system is riddled with rip offs and special concessions as well as favoritism and cronyism as part of the fabric of how our government functions. Let me be quick to add, on all sides, my friend, all sides. Many of those marching in the streets are led by union leaders who live like kings. Talk about hypocrisy! Sure, we all are angry about bailing out many of the fat cats on Wall Street but we also know the system itself is corrupt and in need of an overhaul. Pitting one group against another will not clean up our system. Instigating strife and stirring up wrath against small business owners who have worked hard to provide themselves and their families with a comfortable lifestyle will not improve the plight of the unemployed because it is these very people who do the employing! I hope and pray that we will not see an environment where folks who have worked hard have to live in fear from those who are in need. That does go on in third world countries. Folks with resources there have to provide protection for themselves and their families. It's time for leadership on the part of those elected to serve our nation's interests, on all sides. We now have proof that President Obama tested his divisive message before he made it his defining issue. We can only pray that it will not lead to the loss of life as people are used as tools in this struggle for power. Amen.

I know. Very opinionated Sir. I am. Hopefully, I try to apply it evenly on all sides but because I favor free enterprise and capitalism, inevitably, I must stand up for those free market principles that I believe have built our nation. Does it also have problems? You betcha! Many. But, on balance, it is still the best vehicle by far to see our country regain its position as the bastion of freedom and opportunity. Breeding an entitlement mentality on the part of large segments of our population will eventually bring down our system. We want folks to be able to achieve their potential and while any system devised by man is going to be less than what it can and should be, I submit that the American experiment that allows people freedom to pursue their dreams is still the best ever known on this earth. I pray for our nation. I pray for revival. And, I pray that each of us will do our part, as directed by God, to live out the life He has given to us, in this, the greatest nation on earth. Have yourself a great Saturday and make it a point to show up at the services of a local fellowship on Lord's Day Sunday. That's a great way to start next week and that's a great place to join others in worshiping God and in seeking His help in our time of need. Amen.              ......More later.

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