Tuesday, October 25, 2011

"I knew I was going to take the wrong train, so I left early." Yogi Berra

Hello it is Tuesday, October 25, 2011 and I do hope you are up and going and doing well as we try to get another day started here at the old not-so-okay blogger corral. I noticed it too. I should have used the word pique instead of peak in my blog yesterday as it related to stimulating interest. I caught it on the flip flop but I had already sent it out. I can always change it in the permanent record but I've not done so, as of yet. Here's what one word usage critic had to say about mixing these two up: "This doesn’t trouble me too much when I see it on blogs, mailing lists, and so forth. I’m used to seeing language atrocities there… but it’s just a different story when it’s something from a professional." I don't think I've been charged with language atrocity before but that does not mean I am not guilty, many times over! I suppose the word professional should let me off the hook but it does bother me when I don't get it write, I mean, right, or written rightly, or something like that. Mrs. Reba Jones, my high school English teacher, God rest her soul, would have been proud that I checked my work and caught it, even if it was after the fact. She was a stickler for getting the words right but at the same time she was my biggest cheer leader in encouraging me to write. Like so many excellent teachers, she always saw more in her students than we would ever see in ourselves. Okay. For those who have had trouble sleeping, here is that sentence from yesterday's blog, properly written: "And, does that pique your interest enough for you to want to go and read it for yourself?" What's that you say? There's more problems in that sentence than the one misused word? I know. But, I never said I could fix everything!

Several people have responded to the comments I made about popcorn and how my doctor has now given me a green light to eat it again. I suppose many have had the experience where this and other items had been restricted in the past. This has caused me to be aware of how careful we all must be when sharing anything that may resemble medical advice. I am not a doctor and I could never know the details of another person's medical situation. Therefore, I searched until I found a generic medical disclaimer and thought I would share it as a way of covering my bases, (not really, just as a way of finding something to write about, but that's another story), therefore, here it is: "There is absolutely no assurance that any statement contained or cited in any of my blogs that touch on medical matters is true, correct, precise, or up-to-date. The overwhelming majority (100%)  of such blogs are written, in part or in whole, by a non medical professional. Even if a statement made about medicine is accurate, it may not apply to you or your symptoms.The medical information provided in The View From Here is, at best, of a general nature and cannot substitute for the advice of a medical professional (for instance, a qualified doctor/physician, nurse, pharmacist/chemist, and so on). Nothing on this blog should be construed as an attempt to offer or render a medical opinion or otherwise engage in the practice of medicine."  Since I've cleared that up let me leave you with a home remedy I read about but have not tried, and be sure and read that disclaimer again before you try it: "If you suffer from severe leg cramps during the night, it is said that by placing a bar of soap under the covers with you, this will bring much needed relief by preventing those nightly cramps. Also, you will smell nice and fresh come morning. Sounds silly, but supposedly people from all over North America swear by it."

Miss Excitement, Lexie, 2nd from right!.
You think I must be hurting for material? All I can say is that I am surprised it took you this long to discover that. I could talk about my grandchildren. I did read on Facebook in a posting by our Lexie that she and her team finished first in their volleyball tournament. Good job Lexie! I could talk about the weather. Blah blah, blah, blah, blah, and one more thing, blah! A couple of years ago I read about how Eight O'Clock coffee won the blind taste test, hands down, going up against all the major brands including Starbucks, the fast food joints, and all the rest. I influenced two people to at least try it and they are now committed drinkers. Not me. I liked it a lot but I have an emotional bond with my Community. I have found one that I might consider if Community were to go the way of the buffalo, or they end up supporting the reelection of President Obama, or like AARP, they swallow hook, line, and sinker the so called Affordable Care Act, (Health care reform). I wonder what the AARP members think about all those increases in medicare related fees based on folks getting ready for the unAffordable Care Act? But I digress. I was talking about coffee. I have found at least one new candidate, along with the Eight O'Clock brand. In fact, it has moved into the position as number one runner up, if the need should arise. It was a little 10 ounce bag buried in that little case of Hawaiian coffees given to me by my special friends for my birthday. It's called Kona Sunrise. On the bag it says it is full, rich, extra bold, a dark Kona blend. And that it is! Very enjoyable. So much so, it is now in the running if Community should ever wobble away from its roots. That's enough caffeine for one day. Go forth and know that God already is wherever you happen to be going, and He will be there caring for us all! Amen.    ....More later.

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