Monday, October 31, 2011

A billion pennies for my thoughts?

So it's Monday. Is that such bad news? To me, it's a regular day, not one to be dreaded, as so many do. But, they feel that way mostly because it is typically school day and the first day back to work. Most of the time, not all, but most of the time I do not vary my routine or schedule too much based on the day of the week. That's not normal you say? I will accept that because being accused of being normal is not something that happens to me that often. But, hello out there in the cyberspace world where you really can let your fingers do the walking to just about anywhere on the globe, therefore, I am glad you landed here on this Monday, October 31, 2011. That would make it Halloween. Yes I know. I actually have heard people talking about how that Halloween is their favorite holiday of the year. And, to think that someone would question my normality! I suppose we just never got into it that much. Our kids did the costumes and some trick or treat in the neighborhood, we did some fall festival celebrations at our Church over the years, but I can't say that I have ever looked forward to Halloween. In spite of this, they are expecting nearly 7 billion dollars in Halloween related spending this year in our country, even as we continue to experience tough economic times. That's one dollar for every man, woman, boy or girl on the planet. This tells me that someone out there cares a whole lot more about this occasion than I do! If I have this right I would have 10 million dollars if I could only get one billion of the seven to send me a penny each. When I figure out how to make this happen I will let you know.

My mom actually believes it takes some smarts for me to put together this daily one way dialogue. Moms are like that. She, at 87, is still proud of her children. I tell her it is not as hard as she might think but she's not buying it and I think God designed it that way because we all are enriched by the encouragement of our moms. Her and dad just knock me down with all their goings and comings. Busy. Active. Much more so than folks many years younger than they are. Dad keeps a list going. Dad always does what is on his list. Usually, promptly. Last week he was doing work underneath the house. I've been under that house before. That's not an easy place to work. Mom says he is pretty scratched up from doing that project. I tell her all the time that I have no expectations of being able to function like they do, if, and when I make it to my eighties. They are one impressive couple and we are blessed to have them as our parents. The other evening our college girl granddaughter was at the house and heard me talking to my mom. She asked me how I found something to talk about every night for twenty or thirty minutes. I told her that when you are blessed to be able to still be calling your mom and she is still able to laugh and talk with you, at 87, then it's not hard at all. And, believe me, just reviewing all they are doing each day, that's enough to fill in the conversation! We thank the Lord God of heaven for the wonderful parents we have. Amen.

One of the unofficial things I get to do at our local Church is to help greet people as they arrive. I've been doing this for perhaps forty years or more. I do focus a lot on the little ones. Recently a family moved off to take a job in another state. Last week I received a note about how that Church there is not the same for them without me being there to give the special greeting they and the children got each week. Greeting. That's not much of an area of service. Or is it? I actually enjoy doing it so perhaps I'm the one being served in many ways. I've told you before about how that at our local fellowship I am privileged to be working with folks, their children, and yes, even some more, their children. If God allows me to keep on keeping on, I may get to the great great grands as well. I mention this to remind us all that the song is right. "Little is much when God is in it." We are to greet one another with love and respect. (Romans 12:10) I worked with a fellow once who actually saw being a greeter as his calling. I do it, more or less, as a sideline but he believed that God had given him this work as a ministry. He told me that when folks arrive out in the parking lot often they show up with a lot of stuff weighing them down, physical, emotional, and also spiritual. He said he felt privileged to help them carry their stuff, and he believed God had given him an ability to help lift the emotional and spiritual as well. Wow! He was allowing the love of God to flow through him in touching the lives of others. That's a good lesson for us all. God can take our little, no matter how small or insignificant we think it is, and use it to accomplish much. He gets the glory for it all, but He also allowed me to get a note that really made my day. Amen.        .....More later.

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