Friday, September 30, 2011

Some like it hot, well, I do hope you are enjoying this year!

Supposedly, the weather effect called La Niña is the responsible party for this drought and super hot weather. It forces the jet stream north and excludes our region from typical weather patterns. They say it has a potential to make a return visit this year during the fall to further plague us throughout the winter months. I'm trying to stay calm but deep down inside I would like to get my hands on that dude! It's Friday, the 30th, and we have arrived to the last day of September in the year of our Lord, 2011. The good news might be a cool front headed our way in time for the weekend. Might be. That's all we can manage to say given how things have gone this year. I do enjoy looking at those low temp predictions into the mid 50's but I won't add another scoop to the Community and plan on sitting outside in the yard until it actually happens. But, if it does, wowee, zowee! I won't even be upset at the neighborhood kids when I see them bundled up like they are doing a documentary at the North Pole. I have a cousin up in North Carolina who sent up a prayer request earlier in the week that the rain might be stopped. Stopped. Seems like 10 inches in three days was about all they were needing and she wanted the faucet to be turned off. I know the Bible says it comes down on the just and the unjust and right now, here in my neck of the woods, I wouldn't mind even seeing the unjust soaking wet for a few days. Okay. I think that's enough about the weather but this year it has become an even more frequent topic of conversation, even among the children. That tells us something.

A lady in our Bible study and prayer time this past Wednesday was expressing some righteous indignation in how some of our elderly are mistreated in their trying to get their health needs attended to. She talked about a situation where an older gentleman had been somewhat neglected. I couldn't help but feel a sense of concern because I've always believed that how we treat the neediest around us is a barometer of our spiritual health. But, it then dawned on me, I have moved closer to that category myself. Hey. Wait a minute. How did I let that happen? I am at least in the running now to be one of those elderly who is mistreated? Not yet, but I'm certainly headed for that eligibility list. I know she was talking about those who are unable to take up for themselves because of mental and physical frailties but I also know that our God in heaven has a particular judgment for those who mistreat or take advantage of folks in this category. It's a consistent theme throughout the Scriptures. The youngest among us, the orphans, the widows, and the aged, they are precious in His sight and He does not forget those who would abuse them. That's a word of warning because the Bible tells us it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Amen. (Hebrews 10:31)

"That was the week that was" is the name of a British TV comedy program from the early 1960's. And, so it has been the week that was for us as well. Sunday through Friday morning has been recorded and today is the only time we have to do something with our day, today. I am so pleased that my mom is making a little progress in using the new laptop. She reported that two different times this week she accidentally was able to get the Facebook page up that I set up for dad. Accidentally. That's her way of describing it. The friends we confirmed for dad's page are all family, therefore, she greatly enjoyed reading the entries from so many along with photos of the children and other information. I found a little learning exercise to help her to improve the use of the mouse and she has enjoyed working with it. See what I mean? You really are never too old to learn and I couldn't be more proud. I am able to get onto their desktop from my computer and help with any problems and this has greatly assisted in helping us to make this progress. I know how much mom loves family, therefore, I am certain that she will continue to get better and better at using this window into the world of her scattered offspring, along with their scattered offspring, along with their scattered offspring. I know that looks like a whole lot of scattering and I think I could have put in one or two more to be accurate but I didn't, because you might think it would be a little over the top. And, we all know that I would never want to have folks think that about me. What's that you say? Going back to being just a little over would be quite an improvement? See there. It just goes to show you that it is always something. Have a great Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday and if He is willing, I will do my best to be back on the air next Monday morning, early, of course! Amen.    ....More later.

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