Monday, September 19, 2011

“He draws up the drops of water, which distill as rain to the streams; the clouds pour down their moisture and abundant showers fall on mankind. Job 36:27-28

It is a brand new work week on this Monday, September 26, 2011 and we had us one great time of family and fellowship yesterday as we gathered to celebrate Alexander Benjamin's birthday. We always thank God for our times of being able to be together as a family. I actually drove through a rain storm this morning. Rain storm. That's right. Rain storm. It was raining so hard at times I had the urge to find a safe place to pull off. I was driving and thanking God, driving and thanking God. On Saturday we had a wonderful shower and some of our grandchildren even got out in it and played. Our Alesha, one half of our thirteen year old twins, came into the house and tried to made a funny. She said, "Poppy, there's this stuff falling from the sky, it feels wet but I've forgotten what you call it." You know this drought has been bad when the kids begin trying to do stand up comedy. The Lord God of heaven knows we need this rain. And, so many have been praying for rain. I well understand a fellow I saw on the news who was leading a prayer meeting for rain. The clip showed him crying like a baby. He was sincere as he sought God's intervention. It reminded me of that account from the Old Testament where Judah's King Hezekiah had been given only a short time to live according to the word from God spoken through the Prophet Isaiah. After delivering this message Isaiah left his audience with the king. Hezekiah responded by turning his face to the wall and crying out to God. The Lord then spoke again to Isaiah and told him to return to Hezekiah. Isaiah had a new message from God that told Hezekiah how God had seen his tears and had extended his life. Wow! That's always been an amazing passage to me. God saw his tears. What a thought! God cared about Hezekiah and He cares about you and I today. Amen. (You can read this wonderful account from 2 Kings Chapter 20, and Isaiah Chapter 38.)

Some people are happy that all the news on the economy is bad and getting worse in nearly every category. They feel this way because of their opposition to President Obama and they think the worse it gets the better chance an opponent will have running against him. In fact, some are so opposed they find themselves cheering for the piling on of one bad report upon another. I couldn't disagree more. There are probably very few, if any, areas of thought and philosophy where I would be in agreement with the President, yet I do not wish for more misery on the American people who have and are continuing to suffer in this catastrophic economic collapse. This leads me to my first point and it has to do with an overwhelming persuasion that I would never vote for President Obama's reelection, however, I am not so inclined as to make my vote worth more based on the increased misery of my fellow citizens. Secondly, I remind us all that it will require an opponent capable of beating the incumbent president and thus far I've seen very little to give me confidence in any of those running for the Republican nomination. To those who appear to relish and applaud the pain of others for the so called greater good, I remind us all that behind the woeful statistics there are real folks, moms, dads, and children who are struggling every day just to survive. That's my thoughts about where we are and I felt like it would be good for us all to think some on this matter.

I'm not able to put a disclaimer on my views. You know like the one they use on television. "The information shared on this program does not reflect the views of this station." I also can't add one of those exception comments like they do at the end of a drug commercial. When the exceptions are longer than the ad itself and the voice over has to read it at a minimum of 100 miles per hour, that could really cause one to wonder. No. These won't work on this blog because here you will find what I think on any number of subjects. There are folks who do not share my views. You would have never guessed that to be so? You do need to get out more is all I can say. And, even closer to home, you may be one of those who have a different view based on your own experiences and deliberations. Welcome to America, where we can do just that. Examine, investigate, evaluate, and come to our own conclusion. Yes. I believe in God's truth being the final arbiter of truth but not everyone does and for even those who do, they might see it applying in a different way. There you have it. Thoughts, ideas, and opinions from where I sit and I can assure you that I really do try to make it 'The View From Here'. I am so thankful for the freedom of speech and I know that God has given our nation the opportunities and the privileges we have. Thanks for tuning in and may God bless us all as we continue our journey forward. Amen.         ....More later.

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