Monday, September 26, 2011

My thinking may be a little weebly wobbly but I'm so thankful to be able to get up and go!

How in the world are you doing on this Monday, September 26, 2011? I am thankful to be able to get from point A to point B, and to still have a little bit of a spring in my step. I often find myself taking stock of where I am and what I am still able to do. I then hear about dad, out in the heat, painting the house trim off a ladder. He is past 80 and still going strong. Hold on a second, let me reevaluate how well I am doing. Just kidding. But, I am aware that every day is a gift and perhaps having diabetes keeps me focused a little more on a one blood sugar measurement at a time, a one weigh in at a time, and in general, a one step at a time mindset. The way they calculate the first day of autumn put it on last Friday afternoon, September 23. Our area which has plenty of woods and trees doesn't look like fall, it looks sick, damaged, and starved. The drought has taken its toll. We hit 97 degrees yesterday and are looking at another hot day today. Some have said that if we were to get a hurricane into our area this season there is no way to even begin to guess at how much damage will be done when the damaged trees start blowing around. The way I see it, we have but one choice. Trust the Lord and seek Him as we do take it one day at a time.

I often come out of the weekend with a desire to do better this week than I did the last week. This can be connected to the truth I've learned at the meeting place where God's people gather. God still moves. God still convicts, even those of us who have been His child for a long period of time. That conviction stuff makes us feel uncomfortable. But, what a remarkable blessing to know that God is not finished with us, yet. He is still at work and when it comes to me, myself, and I, there's still a ways to go in terms of me becoming all that He would have me to be. Sure, it can be frustrating not to be able to say I have arrived but I think about what a great example the Apostle Paul was to us all, and yet he had this to say about his own journey, "Not that I have already obtained, or am already made perfect: but I press on, if so be that I may lay hold on that for which also I was laid hold on by Christ Jesus." (Philippians Chapter 3, Verse 12) Our enemy would like nothing better than for our failures to knock us out of the game of life. So many are defeated by their struggles and they just give up the fight. We don't have to settle for this because God stands ready to provide into us that which we need to pick ourselves up and get ourselves back on the road again, making progress, for His honor and glory. Amen.

It was good to see Herman Cain do so well in the Florida Republican Straw Poll this past Saturday. He is a businessman turned candidate who is articulate and features simple and straight forward answers to our nation's problems. Maybe he can shake things up a little. I believe him receiving the most votes is a vindication of sorts for his conservative message but more importantly, it signals that those choosing a Republican candidate are not satisfied with the likes of Rick Perry and Mitt Romney. I know there are some who will vote anyone but President Obama, however, the truth is, there are not enough of those types of votes to win the election. We need someone who can stand tall like Ronald Reagan and stand up for the America we all hold dear. We heard a dear brother originally from Liberia in our Sunday night Bible class and he was lamenting the changes he has seen in our nation since coming here in 1991. He said he carried a huge burden for the America that has been so good to him and his family. He asked that we become more prayerful as we seek God's help in bringing America to a position where she can be blessed by God again and in turn, be a blessing to the world. His belief is that God raised up America to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and that she has done all over the world, but now others are beginning to take up the role of evangelism as our nation becomes more and more self absorbed and self focused. Yes. It was a sobering message but not one without hope. He read from the obscure Prophet Habakkuk in the Old Testament who also was burdened for his nation and he was crying out to God. God's answer came. He is at work. He knows all about it. He is still in control. May God help our great nation return to that greatness as she returns to God. Amen. Have a wonderful Monday and I'll be here somewhere, doing something, you can count on that!            .....More later.

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