Friday, March 19, 2021

We so much appreciate all the prayers being offered on behalf of our Jimmy. Thanks so much.

Hello Friday, March 19, 2021, and, I do hope we all are up and at'em as we do our best to get on with the life God has given to us. Another day and another wall here in my upstairs office. The man in the uniform dates back to WWII and it is of my dad, the one I was named after, as in Junior-Jr. The framed certificates include my completion of a three-year seminary study program and some of the study materials are represented by the white binders to the left in the bookcase. Another one contains a scholarship from McNeese University given to me when I graduated from high school. The others include my completion of an extensive supervisory and management program at LSU and the 1987 memo announcing me as the promoted department head over all computing and telecommunications for Pennzoil Company. And, there's more of the photos of us from years past, (before gray and then white hair), more vehicles, and a variety of books and other study materials. Each one of the artifacts tells a particular story and they include the distinguished career the wife had in retail sales. She was good at what she did and was often commended for going above and beyond. I look at these things and all I can repeat is the truth as I know it: God has been gracious and good to us. Amen


America is still a great place to be!

It is Thursday, October 21, 2010, and today is a good day to be reminded that while there's much that could be better, we are, here in this country, still the most blessed of people on the earth. I know that many are suffering from the ill effects of this jobless recovery. I know that stress seems to be at everyone's doorstep right now. However, we are Americans, yes, we are the folks that still get the lump in our throat as we see Old Glory waving and hear our national anthem. Obviously, these troubles would have been fixed if they were easy because politicians will do just about anything to keep their cushy jobs. I'm not being negative about politicians, just sharing the truth as I see it, that's all. You don't have to be a subscriber to the Tea Party movement to be fed up with those of all political stripes and persuasions who have far too long manipulated our governmental system to maintain power and their place on the dole. How can we be hopeful in what sometimes seems to be a hopeless world? I was talking with my sweet mom the other day and she was telling me how weary she becomes at times as she considers all that has happened to her in her eighty-six-year sojourn, and in this current crisis with my brother. But, she said the thought came to her that she should count her blessings so she with tears of thanksgiving began to echo back to the Father all that He had brought her through and all that He had provided to her. This became a comfort to her heart because it is therapy sanctioned by God Himself. I'll call it the Tears of Thanksgiving Therapy Treatment Program.

I was talking with some boys the other night at our inner-city Bible club meeting about how they can always remember God's love for them. They each were dealing with some difficulties in their lives. I told them that when they are feeling down and out, perhaps when things seem to be going wrong, they should take a minute and stretch out their arms. I had them stretch out their arms and they instinctively knew it was the sign of Jesus on the Cross. I asked them why Jesus was on that Cross. They replied because He paid for the sins of the world. I asked whose sins did He die for. They said for the sins of everyone. I had each one of them stretch out their arms and then call out their name when I asked who He died for. That's how personal it is when it comes to God's love. God didn't so love a blob of humanity that caused Him to send His one and only Son to die. No. His love was for individuals, men, women, boys, and girls, those with names, those with heartaches, troubles, and turmoil. Those in need of a Savior! I told those boys that anytime they find themselves in a really rough place where they are overcome with all that's going on, that they should take a minute and stretch out their arms because that is exactly what He did for them, for us, for you, and for me. That's right folks. Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so!

Yes. America is still a place where a fellow like me can go and share hope with some underprivileged children. While we take our freedoms for granted there are places today where sharing the message of Christ is illegal and can end up costing people their very lives. That's not a scare tactic. It's reality. Sadly, here in our own country, this very freedom of expression as it relates to God and His truth is under constant attack today. I fear that we will see in the not too distant future the passing of legislation that will make some truths from the Bible off-limits or illegal, not way over across the ocean somewhere, but right here in our own beloved America. It will be packaged as anti-hate laws but the effect will be to stifle the proclamation of thus says the Word of the Lord. It is already beginning to begin and it has a head start with our neighbors up in Canada. I'm not sure what those of us will do when that day comes. I pray for the strength that God granted to our founders, many of whom came from places where oppression reigned, and their desire was to be able to freely worship God and to practice His Word based on the leading of their hearts. It will be difficult. It will be divisive. And, it's already started. God has blessed our nation greatly. We need God's blessings as we move forward but God will not be mocked, therefore, let us all pray that He will intercede and keep these freedoms alive and well as we move forward. God bless each of you and may God bless America! Amen.       ...More later.

Have yourself a most wonderful Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday. See you next time, Lord willing. May God provide for each one is my prayer. Amen. ....More later. 

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