Monday, March 15, 2021

Okay. I confess: "Mr. Bentley has left his paw prints on my heart."

Good morning and welcome. It is Monday, March 15, 2021. For you history buffs, it is the day designated as the Ides of March, remembering the date of the assassination of Julius Caesar. Thanks to everyone who has been praying for our son, Jimmy. We did have his heart cath last Friday. The news was not what we had hoped for, but, at least we now know. He will have to undergo surgery to deal with one major artery that has a 100% blockage, and, a second with partial blockage. He will be consulting with a heart surgeon, hopefully, this week. He recently had the stress test for an entirely different reason, therefore, we are thankful that it discovered these issues. God is good. Amen

Our pastor mentioned yesterday that part of the educational process being developed by the new administration is to teach the children how to reeducate their parents. Of course, indoctrinating children has been going on for a long time, but, it appears it will now be formalized into an official program with curriculums designed for this purpose. If you don't think this to be scary, well, I don't know what it will take. We have determined that our societal problems are caused by old statues, children's books, and cartoons, while rap music using filth is considered to be a cultural art form. One meme recently portrayed this sentiment: Thank you for saving my son from seeing Pepe Le Pew, meanwhile, I just saw him kill a prostitute on Grand Theft Auto to keep from having to pay her. My take? Nothing new, but, to me, only God can get us out of this mess. It is as simple as that. 

Meanwhile, we have 'today' to deal with. And, each of us needs God as we navigate through the vicissitudes of life. (Sorry, but, I haven't used vicissitudes in a while.) Take care and may God bless each one. Until next time, may God add His blessings on each one, and, on our great nation. Amen. ....More later.

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