Friday, March 5, 2021

"The so-called cancel culture on the Internet, the extremism that sometimes flares up on university campuses and newsrooms, and the exaggerated claims of those who practice identity politics are a political and cultural problem that will require real bravery to fight." ~ Anne Applebaum

Welcome one and all. It is Friday, March 5, 2021. These are some mighty unusual times we are living in. The meme photo above reflects on some of what we are seeing each day. Dr. Seuss has now been deemed to have violated the rules of political correctness in five of his books. The Coca-Cola polar bear is deemed to be too white in keeping with the Coca-Cola corporate emphasis on teaching their employees to be ashamed of being white. Mr. Potato Head was deemed to be too gender-specific. They are all in the unemployment line now. I know. It is a joke, but, the reality of where all of this is going, especially for our impressionable children is quite frightening. Just when I think there has to be some level of including the long-held common sense values our nation was built on, bam! another round of craziness shows up. As I so often say, we better hold on, stay prayed up, and hope for God's intervention. That's how I see it. Feel free to have your own take. May God help is my prayer. Amen.

There is still a buzz whirring around the forth and back conversations regarding the wife's made-from-scratch homemade biscuits. It seems a lot of folks would like to see a video of her making them. I know I write my stuff in an over-the-top exaggerated style and I do that for effect. I hope folks recognize it for what it is. I never intend to offend anyone just for the sake of being able to. Here is a little ditty I wrote a few years ago on the subject of homemade cooking: "My wife eats out quite often. She is out and about doing ministry here and there, and they often stop for lunch. She pretty much enjoys eating out. She believes that I no longer am well suited to eating out. She thinks I'm way too particular and that I would rather stay home and eat whatever it is that she cooks. I actually cannot dispute her reading of the situation. The older I get, it is the more difficult I have in enjoying restaurant-prepared food. The other day someone was talking to her about how wonderful the homecooked meal they had enjoyed at a particular establishment. The wife was telling me about it and she saw my eyes roll back in my head even as she mentioned the place. I'm not for the government getting involved in the day-by-day aspects of our lives, but, something should be done about the false advertising that is being perpetrated with the use of that word 'homemade'. I volunteer to testify when they call a hearing. My approach to questioning would be along these lines. "Did they actually ever eat any of the homemade cooking from my Granny Mac, my mom, my mother-in-law, or my wife?" "Were they, like my wife, before age 8, taught how to make biscuits from scratch where you squeeze them off the dough and roll them up by hand to place them in a greased cast iron skillet?" "Were they ever in the presence of a house full of people licking their fingers because the food was so good, way before the Colonel ever even had a clue?" Homemade, my foot! They should be ashamed but they are not. I am but they aren't. No wonder this world is so messed up."

I do hope everyone has a really great Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday. I will do my best to come up with some more over-the-top exaggerated observations for the next time we visit. May God bless us all and may He bless our great nation. Again. Amen. .....More later.

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