Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Remember, God's got this. Amen.

I bid you a hearty hello on this Wednesday, March 10, 2021. The story continues. Everyone has their own story and we learn, over time, as believers, God is at work in each portion of every day. "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28) This past Sunday, our Church sang along with the choir the song, "Way Maker". There is a part of this song that speaks to my heart:

Even when I don't see it, You're working

Even when I don't feel it, You're working

You never stop, You never stop working

You never stop, You never stop working

I don't know about you but I need to be reminded of this truth. The verse doesn't say all good things, it says all things, and, I thank God for His working in and through the circumstances in my life. Amen

I am thankful to report the wife's sister is out of the hospital and doing well. Thank God! Later this morning, our Jimmy has a consultation with the medical folks to discuss his heart cath procedure and potential follow-on treatment options. Thanks for all the prayers on his behalf. I will be dropping him off again and maybe this time I will wear my track shoes. Just joking. I think the wife's sister was discharged around 2 p.m., but they didn't get out of the hospital and back here to our home until nearly 7 p.m. I prepared them a hearty supper. It didn't all turn out great but as my mother-in-law used to say, it was eatable. They feasted on pot roast with carrots and potatoes, rice and gravy, field peas and fried okra, homemade cornbread, and sliced tomatoes, followed by pecan pie. My cornbread didn't hold together as well as I would have liked and the rice was a wee bit sticky, but based on how they ate, I would say it was acceptable. I will do better next time.

I do hope you all have a great day and may God continue to work in and through the circumstances we all experience. Amen. .....More later.

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