Friday, November 1, 2019

"You have no choices about how you lose, but you do have a choice about how you come back and prepare to win again." ~ Pat Riley

Okay. Because I don't mind doing the leg work, here's a tidbit of information for the Astros fans who are still licking their wounds. They will be back. They play their first Spring Training game on February 22, 2020. Their opponent? None other than this year's World Series winner, the Washington Nationals. I did look that up and I am just messing around since one might as well laugh as to cry, especially when there's really not much that can be done about the outcome. It is Friday, November 1, 2019, and I do hope everyone is feeling a-ok today. Trick or Treat Santa Claus had a cool time last evening. Cool in more ways than one might have expected. But, it was fun. Passing out candy. Taking photos. And, giving out tracks that provide God's outreach to every man, woman, boy, and girl on the planet. As for today, it was supposed to hit 31 here in the early hours. I haven't checked, but, what a nice cooldown. The other evening I drove across the metroplex to watch our grandson, Brady, play football. It was in the high 40's and had been raining all day. The wind was howling. Can we all say the word WINDCHILL together? This was an 8th-grade game and I was amazed at how many folks came out to see their kiddoes play. Especially, the ladies. I thought about the unofficial postal service slogan and applied it to these ladies. Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these moms from showing up to see their boy or girl play. (I say girl intentionally since Brady's team has a girl quarterback with a long ponytail. She is typically the only girl on the field and she's pretty good.) I think we all were happy they pretty much let the clock run uninterrupted.

Yesterday also commemorated my first year anniversary after doing my retire-retire scenario. I again call out Bro. Ronnie Smith, his family, and all the folks at his Company, Complete Manufacturing Services, for their support during my 12 years there. They went above and beyond and I thank God for that. I hope I was able to contribute some to their success. These are special people and I will forever be grateful for the opportunities I was privileged to have during my tenure. I have thanked them. I thank them again. And, I have asked God to continue to bless them all. It may have been a final chapter in my public work, but, what a chapter it was! Amen.

As for looking back to see, well, here's a somewhat brief excerpt from my blog published exactly 12 years ago: Duh: Today Is The First Day Of The Rest Of Your Life! November 1, 2007, ~ I would like to find the person who first said: “Today is the first day of the rest of your life”. It’s listed without attribution as an American proverb. It’s obviously a statement of the blatantly obvious because if you are alive, then this day is the first day of the rest of your life. I suppose it is intended to encourage us to make the best of each day. And, my how the makeup of your days change as you grow older and are presented with new challenges! Take for instance my recent dealings with this diabetic diagnosis deal. Nothing on my radar screen but a few aches and pains from arthritis and then KABOOM! I went from spending zero time thinking about my health to being somewhat preoccupied with a variety of medical-related activities such as checking my blood glucose levels, weighing every morning, checking my blood pressure, and taking my six different medications on schedule. So let me put it this way, the first day of the rest of my life today is quite different than it was only four months ago. And, don’t even mention the diet changes! Now some have commented that I joke a little too much about my health, my treatment, and all the related stuff going on. Just for the record, I asked my mom who reads my blog every day and she said she thought it was not only okay but very entertaining. She also told me to tell anyone who asked that she had given me permission to keep on writing about my medical issues. So, there. My mom said it’s okay and that more or less settles it. ~

Have a great Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday. I will do my best, with God's provision, to be back in my place for our next appointed visit. May God add His blessings. Amen. ....More later.

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