Wednesday, November 6, 2019

“God grant that men of principle shall be our principal men.” ― Thomas Jefferson

Good morning and welcome. It is Wednesday, November 6, 2019, and typically we refer to it as mid-week service day. That helps us to fulfill the Scripture that instructs us not to miss meeting together as a local body of believers. (Hebrews 10:25) One needs only to read a few obituaries to see what a mobile society we have become. Offspring and their offspring and their offspring scattered all over the world. Literally. It wasn't always that way. Families mostly settled in the same area. As the saying goes, "They have left the farm to find their way in the city." Many reflect their duty stations as a part of their military assignment. Others are where their work has taken them. The end result is a more urban society where city life is growing. These growing cities have become major population centers that offer great potential to some while at the same time they exhibit many urban problems like crime and poverty. Some today want these growing population centers to have more clout politically than rural and sparsely populated areas. Our founders actually anticipated how this situation could be used to try and dominate government representation. This is why we have the voting system we have. We hear about it a lot today, the Electoral College system. In the Electoral College system, each state gets a certain number of electors based on its total number of representatives in Congress. Each elector casts one electoral vote following the general election; there are a total of 538 electoral votes. The candidate that gets more than half (270) wins the election. Each state. Those who favor allowing the mega population centers to have the most influence in elections fail to appreciate the wisdom where EACH STATE gets their representation. We would do well to thank God for the wisdom shown by those who put together our form of government and we should resist any knee jerk populist ideas that would destroy the foundation of our great constitutional republic.

I'll not belabor the issue since I know many would prefer other types of sharing. But, I do want us all to consider the results of a recent poll of millennials. I think they now say this is the age group of 23 to 38. This was supposedly a reputable poll which indicated 70% of those asked said they would vote for a socialist-leaning candidate. That to me is scary. Very scary. Why? At my age I am doing the closing miles of my sojourn here on the earth, but, my children and especially my grands and great grands will be faced with the results of what could end up being catastrophic choices made at the ballot box. I'm not wringing my hands or pulling out the ever degreasing hair follicles I have. But, I am making my prayers to God for first and foremost, a spiritual revival of return to God and His ways, and, also that He would grant wisdom and understanding to those we will be leaving our country to. Finally, I confess my trust in God for regardless of what happens and who gets elected, He will continue to work out His plan and purpose. For that I am sure. Amen.

I want everyone to know I am painfully aware that way too much of my stuff can be at times both repetitive and even perhaps boring. I don't need a poll to tell me this because I am my own toughest critic. Some of it is to be expected given today's offering is number 3,194. There are times when I actually am aware of it while I am writing, however, it is what bubbled up, therefore, I have learned to go with my gut. The other evening when I was out on our friend's driveway greeting kids as Treat or Treat Santa, one little kid asked me some very pertinent questions, "Hey, why are you here? And, why are you here so early?" I really didn't answer him but only responded how those were some excellent questions. They reflect my thoughts at times about my blogging venture. Why am I here and why am I here so early? Several years ago when I was coming up on a blogging milestone, maybe the 2,000th episode, I shared how I might be coming to the end of my filling up electronic pages with the stuff I write. I received a private message from one of my readers that simply said, "Never stop, please, we love reading your blogs." That was not the only reason I continued, but, over time, it is the knowing I have been able to bring a smile, to encourage, and maybe even inform, and, of even greater significance, to share God's input, well, all of the above have kept me doing my blogs each day. I apologize for the days when they are somewhat blah, but, I fear that does come with the whole package. Have a great rest of the day and may God be with us all. Amen. ....More later.

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