Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Today's edition can be called a mixed bag, by that I mean that it contains some good items, features, or people and some bad ones.

Sobering reality! 
I think the really cold stuff has moved off the map now, therefore, for those who have been hibernating, well, I think it is safe to come out now. It is Wednesday, November 13, 2019, and I bid you a hearty hello along with a prayer for a good day. It's not too hard to understand why the world population is growing. Approximately 60 million die each year, however, some 140 million come on the scene to take their place. Here in the United States, we are not really keeping up in terms of population growth. The growth rate of 0.62 for 2018 was the lowest in 80 years. This brings immigration into the picture. Big time. Those who want open borders see the opportunity to grow their base which they need to help them politically. With the birth rates plummeting, everyone sees the need to allow more immigrants into the country to have the folks needed to supply the labor market. The question is how immigration is achieved. On the one hand, we need skilled labor that will lead to higher productivity and growth. On the other hand, some see less skilled warm bodies for political gain. As far as seeing the population growth come back, it's not likely. That rate would be 2.1 and we are seeing the 0.62 instead. Ever wonder how a country can become an immigrant, both legal and illegal, that becomes the majority? Look out your window, it is a work in progress. Ever wonder how socialism became a viable choice in our country? I'll let you connect the dots.

That tone detector utility provided by my grammar software rated that first paragraph as being very formal as opposed to friendly or joyful. Formal? I can assure you I wrote it wearing the same pajamas I do every day. And, if you are wondering, I do not see too much of friendly or joyful in that chart. I am not fretting, just venting, I suppose. Not really even venting as much as just sharing. I sat down and the subject of population growth came to mind and that's why I wrote about it. I did look up the numbers and read some background information, but, never get the idea that my stuff is highly researched or reviewed. I believe it is a fact that if you review your own work you are less likely to not spot a particular error. Or, at least, that sounds right to me. Maybe I had in mind the recent hype about how Texas may turn blue and become a Democrat majority state. Could that happen based on the demographics mentioned above? I actually think it could. Some of what has fed all of this in Texas has a particular name. It's one that has been around a long time. Greed. Business folks want cheap labor. In case you didn't know, they make more money that way. It would be somewhat ironic if the business-friendly state of Texas ended up having that model crushed because of that simple word, greed. Or, since I am being formal, let's use a nicer term, profits. I am just thinking out loud here for crying out loud. But, without the tears. They will likely come later.

Okay. For all you skippers of all things that may even have a hint of politics, let me see if I can find something else to share. And, if you think I feel bad when someone skips what I write, think again Bucko! You can't really engage in any form of social media without picking and choosing what you will spend time on. My poor mom used to try and read nearly everything posted. She thought that was the right thing to do. Some of it was long and tedious. It had been copied and pasted or shared from another source. But, mom thought she would be letting her 'friend' down if she didn't read it all. I did try to help her to understand how much of those postings came about, however, you do have to admire her loyalty. I'll close with a few of Mr. Bentley's jokes. He swears they are hilarious. ~ What did the Dalmation down the street say when they fed him his treat? That sure hit the spot. ~ What did the dog say to the sandpaper? RUFF!, and to the tree? BARK! and what happens when it does rain cats and dogs? Be careful you might step in a POODLE! and finally, why did the pup spend so much time chasing his own tail? he was trying to make both ends meet. ~ Mr. Bentley is still laughing and I hope this gave something useful to the skippers. Enjoy. After all is said and done, remember, God's got this! Amen. ....More later.

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