Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Just getting ready has its own rewards.

Happy, Happy Day, here on this Thanksgiving Tuesday, November 26, 2019. The planning is underway. Lord willing, we will have over twenty of us gathering here in our home this upcoming Thursday. It's always a time to look forward to. My mom used to ask me this question, "Son, how can every big gathering end up being the best ever?" She, knowing how prone I am to hyperbole, realized that our family time together is very precious to me. Even more so as we continue to climb the age ladder. Best ever may be an exaggeration but it does reflect our heartfelt sentiment. I quickly add the use of the ladder metaphor might not be a good one since we do not do a lot of climbing these days. The experts tell us the best way to avoid conflict during a family gathering is not to bring up politics. I can't ever remember that one being a problem in our group, however, now that it is being paraded in countless memes on Facebook, who knows? It could end up being like the proverbial 'wet paint' sign that causes folks to want to touch it to find out if it is really wet or not. Our hope is that we will have a combined sense of how God has blessed us as a family and that we will allow His presence to unite our hearts. Amen.

We come to the Thanksgiving table and enjoy the special time we have together. As I write this today I can see this annual event being carried out from my earliest recollection. In my mind's eye, I see the faces of folks near and dear to my heart. Their time here on the planet has ended, but, we remember them, and, for so many, we know we will see them again when we all get together in heaven. I see us all around the table at Granny and Paw Paw Mac's. I can hear Paw Paw as he prepared everyone by saying, "Okay, Mama, you can pray now." Granny Mac was a legendary prayer maker. She could pray up a storm and a blessing. I see us around the table at my mom's and dad's place. They too await our arrival to our real home in heaven. I see us gathered around at my in-law's place where often our dear Bro. Milton would be called on to announce the blessing. They and he too are now in the presence of our Lord. Brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, cousins, near and distant family, those I grew up with, and so many brothers and sisters in Christ, I hear their voices and their laughter. Precious memories. Some think to have these thoughts is morbid. To me, it's a wonderful part of the celebration itself and one that I treasure. This is why making memories is such a huge part of our sojourn here. Amen.

All these things are a part of the preparation. Yep. I am aware of how this can be a very stressful, difficult, and even depressing time for many. I don't take that lightly. And, lest you think I have only 'yellow brick road' memories, I can assure there's plenty laden with pain and anguish. How can we enjoy the day and also the memories of the past? I believe it mostly has to do with recognizing and thanking God for His purpose and plan for our lives. Trusting Him. Seeing things through the lens of faith, knowing many are beyond our understanding, but, they are never beyond His. Back when I was a kid we would sit around and listen to the menfolk telling tales. That's right. Political correctness was not in play and the womenfolk were all busy in the kitchen or taking care of the little ones. Us kids were taught to listen quietly. We would have never interjected our thoughts about what was being said. We might hear about their recollections of Thanksgiving Day celebrations when they were kids. Their experiences in the war. Their hunting and fishing stories. That, sadly, is a missing element in today's world. The little ones do the talking and the older ones now do the listening. And, we lose the stories that help frame the context of who we are and where we came from. Okay. I'm not auditioning to fill in for Dr. Phil, just giving you my version of My View From Here. Take care, now, you hear? May God bless. Amen. ....More later.

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