Monday, November 18, 2019

“The more you overthink the less you will understand.” ― Habeeb Akande

It's Monday, November 18, 2019, where I'm coming out of another 'under the weather' feel sickly time. It hit me last Wednesday and it continued through Friday. Chills and aches. You know. The kind where your bones feel like they have been beaten with a tire tool. Here's what one language website said about the 'under the weather' figure of speech: "To be under the weather is to be unwell. This comes again from a maritime source. ... Originally it meant to feel seasick or to be adversely affected by bad weather. The term is correctly 'under the weather bow' which is a gloomy prospect; the weather bow is the side upon which all the rotten weather is blowing." I never got completely down but close enough. Laying around, lethargic, and I may have done some murmuring now and then. Mr. Bentley didn't know what to make of it. He was very confused because there were times when I couldn't play with him or even take him outside. I have my ideas about where it originated. Last Tuesday, we were across town and on our way home we stopped at a burger joint. Around midnight I began feeling really bad, cramping, and then the chills started. Oh well, I tried my best not to let it get the best of me, and, even today I am still sore from the experience. Doctor? I let it run its course and did my best to do what I could to get over it. I always had going to the clinic as a backup plan. If my blogs suffered any, now you know why. I mean more than usual. I do appreciate the wife doing what she could to help. She also gave me some input from time to time, "You are not going anywhere." I think they call that tough love. I don't know why but I'm pretty sure age is a factor. You know. It's part of the package.

I haven't mentioned the "I" word. Impeachment. I also have not watched any of the live hearings. I have seen snippets, summaries, and a few commentaries along the way. There is a lot of stuff being posted about this process. Rather than go into my own opinion about it, other than to say I'm in the 'waste of time and taxpayer dollars' camp, I thought I would share some of the cutting ways it is being interpreted across the fruited plain. ~ From Nancy Pelosi, "We must impeach to see what the charges are!" ~ It's rumored the Democrats are going to call the animated group, the Raisins, to reprise their big hit, "I heard it on the Grapevine." ~ From a never Trumper: "He will serve two terms: one in Federal prison and the other in New York State prison. ~ Democrats party when the impeachment inquiry starts but become very sad when reminded that Mike Pence is next in line. ~ This hearing is proof why we should never prosecute any murder in America where we know the trial will be too boring to watch. ~  All of these are framed through the context of the person's political viewfinder. That's how it works. Trump haters say he is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors regardless because to them getting him out of office any way possible is justified. Meanwhile, the business of America has for the most part in Congress been put on hold due to Trump Derangement Syndrome. Sad. But, true.

I suppose my opinion comes through, but, I would remind you that while pragmatism may have its issues, in the case of supporting President Trump, I actually have little choice but to do it. With a big IF. If they prove his actions as President rise to the level and the evidence is there to back it up, my pragmatic assessment could change. I see many of my friends who are avid supporters of the President. I am not. I do support him as President and given the alternatives known today, I will support him in his reelection. That may sound confusing, but, it works for me. Interestingly enough, reading the Twitter feed where people talk about the actual hearing, it's obvious that people respond with personal attacks on whichever side they are against. They criticize the clothes they wear, the accent of their speech, their obvious lack of education, and on and on. Those for Trump do this to the Democrats on the panel. Those against Trump do this to the Republicans on the panel. Personal attacks. The proof must end up showing the President to be guilty of violating his office to the extent that he should be tried in the Senate. So far, I think hard evidence is very lacking. However, the process continues and I think it is fair to say we will all have to wait and see what happens. God already knows. And, we can trust Him. Amen. ....More later.

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