Friday, April 19, 2019

"We understand and acknowledge that the Resurrection has placed a glorious crown upon all of Christ’s sufferings!" ~ A.W. Tozer

Welcome to today's edition on this Good or better put, Crucifixion and Burial Friday, this one falling on April 19, 2019. What makes it good is what He did in sacrificing Himself for the sins of the world. I am, of course, speaking of our Lord and Savior, Jesus, the Christ. This upcoming Sunday will find many people attending services at a local fellowship who rarely come through the door. That's a good thing. I am thankful those like that will hear the Gospel message when they attend our local Church. We can't save anyone but God has chosen the foolishness of preaching the Gospel to save the lost. (1st Corinthians 1:21) The message goes forth. The heart or the innermost being of the hearer is spoken to by Holy Spirit God. He invites the hearing heart to come and be cleansed from all their sins. A decision is made. Some might say, "But, they come mostly on special days, but, nothing ever happens." That is between them and God. We do know they can respond as He continues to call them to repent and call upon His name. Each time they hear His voice they have the opportunity to call on Him. Yes, we will be celebrating the Resurrection this coming Sunday. We actually do that every 1st Day of the Week we meet. That was the pattern of the early Church. His resurrection is the guarantee of the victory we have in Jesus. Hallelujah, Amen!

Leaving footsteps for others to follow.
Now we look at our flashback segment. Here's one I wrote over 11 years ago: "Leaving a legacy that has an impact for time and eternity requires that we live a legacy before we cross over to the other side. What you and I do today is what others will remember about us tomorrow. The old preacher pretty well summed it up when he said we should live our lives each day so that if we were to die suddenly, the preacher wouldn't have to make up something good to say about us at our funeral service. I think of those who have gone on ahead that did just that. They wore their integrity, faith, commitment, and the gifts God had given to them like the clothes they put on. It was not something they did so much as who they were. None of my personal heroes were perfect. I can think of many areas where they were not always a sterling example, but on balance, they reflected the best of what God would have us to pursue and live out in our time here on the planet." Eleven years later and I am still working on this one. Amen.

Mr. Bentley is now cone free!
I want to close today with an update on Mr. Bentley. This will answer so many who have been concerned about his recovery over the past 10 days. (Not really, but, it sounded somewhat melodramatic, therefore, I threw it in to add flavor.) He somehow convinced The Wife that he should be set free from the Cone of Shame. As you can see, he is now cone free! When that thing came off, he spent the next 20 minutes trying to make it unusable in any future endeavor. And, the Vet Staff were right again. He got over his anger and pouting, and, he is now the wild and crazy, loving, pup we originally bargained for. For the record, he is now 23 weeks old. Of course, it's good that everyone knows he is The Wife's dog. I am just a helper. I do my best. I really do. We are planning, Lord willing, to host as many of our family as can come, after Resurrection Day services, here in our home. Some will not be able to come because of their work schedules and their locations. However, we are anxiously anticipating a time of family, food, and fellowship. Have a great Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday. I will do my best to show up again, come next Monday. May God be praised for His provision through His Son our Lord and Savior, Jesus, the Christ. Amen. ....More later.

1 comment:

Damaris said...

I enjoy reading your posts. God bless!