Monday, April 22, 2019

"Scientists Say That Being Forgetful Is Actually A Sign Of Higher Intelligence" Article in the online 'Curious Mind Magazine'

Welcome back. It is Monday, April 22, 2019, and sometime last week I had one of the most terrific ideas for my blog. I had it planned for today's edition. However, I've slept since I had that idea and I can't for the life of me figure out even the subject. No. The wife's dog, Mr. Bentley, did not eat my homework. He is capable of doing so, but, I can't blame this one on him. Frustrating to say the least. The problem with forgetting something like that is when I think of it again, I probably will not recognize it as the one I had before. Yeah. I hear you. I should have jotted down the basic thought. It was such a good one, I figured there was no way I would not remember it. I know what some of you are thinking. Anything would be better than some of the stuff I have been serving up. Well, this one would have blown us all away. You do know that since I can't remember it, but, I do remember thinking it was a good one, I've engaged in a fair amount of hyperbole in writing about it. I'm thinking about finding a prominent place where I can write out in big letters, 'JOT IT DOWN'.

My remembering apparatus is not what it used to be. Something got me going again recently on time travel. Everyone had their escape dream growing up. One of my most vivid was time travel. For those who like to put everyone on the psychoanalysis couch, don't try to read too much into this fascination. And, if you are planning on trying, be sure and bring some of those restraint belts to keep me tied down. You know. Forewarned is forearmed. I think that's how it goes. At any rate, I have had a few dreams of late where I was on two different tracks of time travel. One had to do with an Eyewitness Time Traveler through the Bible. The other had to do with an Eyewitness Time Traveler through history. Please don't send me a questionnaire asking if I suffered much trauma as a child. If you do, include some extra pages. These would be books written that give a first-hand eyewitness account of what the time traveler sees and experiences. I've been working on them some during my REM phase of sleep. (Rapid Eye Movement, not REM, the band.) Of course, I know the Bible is breathed out by God and what He wanted us to know He arranged for it to be written down. My approach would be someone who happens upon the scene. More or less the same thing with human history. No wonder I can't remember the great blog I had in mind. I'm worn out from doing time travel in my sleep. Does that make me a victim? I understand that's very popular today. I report. You decide.

For those who read stuff like that and feel a sense of relief that you are not me, well, I have that same feeling from time to time. But, I then realize that I am me and get back to doing my best to cope. That's a joke. Therefore, the collective 'bless his heart' was not necessary. The Wife is not altogether pleased with me referring to Mr. Bentley as her dog. But, there are times when the record must be set forth. Let me work through this one more time. In early January of this year, The Wife told me she might be interested in us getting a dog. Being the hunter/gatherer of the family, I began searching for a dog to fulfill her request. I found a little guy, a Shih Tzu, named Barker, seven years old, who had been rescued. Very cute little dog. I went through the process to try and qualify to get the dog, but, alas, a new home had already been found. I kept looking. One day I spotted a video of a very young Shih Tzu puppy and the lady wanting to sell him was within 20 minutes of our home. I showed The Wife the video. She said, "He's the one!" I made arrangements for us to meet. I gave the lady cash. She gave us the puppy. The Wife said his name shall be 'Bentley'. That was on January 12th of this year and he has been with us since then. I will readily admit that I happily share in helping to take care of him. I am an early person. He is too. As Paul Harvey often put it, "Now you know the rest of the story." Since my blogs are archived, this will become the permanent record of how Mr. Bentley came to live with us. Have a great rest of the day, and may God add His blessings to it. Amen. ....More later.

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