Wednesday, April 17, 2019

"My wife kisses the dog on the lips, yet she won’t drink from my glass." ~ Rodney Dangerfield

Good morning and welcome to another day. This one is identified as Wednesday, April 17, 2019. My wife doesn't really care for me making fun of myself for falling while chasing Mr. Bentley. I'm sorry, but, to me, it was funny. He has nearly taken her down a time or two which led me to make this pronouncement: "If that dog ever causes one of us to be hurt he is out of here." Having now fallen with a connection to Mr. Bentley, I have been challenged regarding this statement. More than once. I gave my answer. Mr. Bentley was a party to the accident, but, he was not the specific cause. It was mostly on me for chasing him. Any other questions? I know old people falling is no laughing matter. It is a serious issue. I feel blessed not to have done more damage. And, yes, because we have been indoctrinated with those commercials, I did think about the one that says, "I've fallen and I can't get up." All my laughing was at myself and my situation. Mr. Bentley, by the way, was oblivious to what had happened. He thought maybe I was into playing a new game. One where I roll around on the floor making strange noises. I am well aware the next time it might end up being serious, but, for now, I can't help myself. I am still laughing about it.

A week ago this past Tuesday, Mr. Bentley was in surgery, therefore, I went to the big mall and walked while the wife conducted her weekly Bible study. As I mentioned before, it had been a while since I had walked. The 'regulars' were glad to see me. I can imagine their discussions. They had wondered whatever happened to the short pudgy guy with the Santa Claus beard? I had thought trailing behind Mr. Bentley would have given me more stamina. Essentially, I was out of practice, and it surprised me how often I felt the need to take a break. The 'regulars' would pass by and see me sitting and they had that 'bless his heart' look on their faces. I knew it. He must have had surgery or something." Nope. Just out of shape. Again. Had the wife been with me I would not have taken the breaks. I would have muscled my way through it. Only when SHE needed one, I would concede. We are a strange lot. Don't you agree? When I went to that place with the strange logo that purports to serve coffee, I asked if they had made the strong stuff yet. The fellow grinned and said, "Yes sir, it is ready. And, were my kids here they would be running up to you to say hello to Santa Claus." I gave him my Santa card to give to his kids. He said they were going to be excited. He handed me the strong stuff. I reluctantly handed him $2.50. As I walked away I agreed, "Bless my heart!"

We are excited about Resurrection Sunday services coming up this next Sunday. The subdivision where we live has its own Facebook Page with 2,000 folks signed up to share. I posted the following invitation along with the photo ad on that Facebook Page, "This coming Sunday we will be celebrating The Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus, the Christ. Some have the idea that Christians look down on those unlike themselves. Not true. Actually, we are nothing more than beggars telling others where we found bread. You can find THE BREAD at Mims Baptist. Come join us!" I offer this same invitation to any and all who read my blog. When the followers of John the Baptist inquired about Jesus, He told them, "Come and see." (John Chapter 1) That's my invitation to anyone thinking they might come and visit our local fellowship. Come and see what God is doing. Amen. .....More later.

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