Wednesday, January 30, 2019

“The storm starts, when the drops start dropping When the drops stop dropping then the storm starts stopping.” ― Dr. Seuss

Good to have you along for my version of 'show and tell' for today, Wednesday, January 30, 2019. Many people are emphasizing the weather situations that come and go in Texas. This past Monday was like a nice spring day. Almost short sleeve weather. Tuesday morning, mid 30's. But, not to worry, we have some mid 70's on the way. It is what it is and people seem to have fun with it. Here are some of the memes floating around: ~ Brace yourself, Winter is coming .... No, Summer, .... No, Spring .... No, Winter again! .... Just forget about it. ~ So you had stuff to do today? How about some cold rain? ~ Mother Nature: "You can't fit all the seasons into one day." Texas: "Watch me!" ~ If you wear boots and flip-flops in the same week, you must live in Texas. ~ Texas is closed today, we're all busy trying to find our jackets. ~ Welcome to Texas where you can get sunburn and frostbite in the same week. ~ You know you are in Texas if school gets canceled for 1/2 inch of snow, your "snowmen" are less than 2 feet tall, and a majority of it is sand and leaves. ~ The other day here in Houston the temperature changed from 90 to 55 like it had just seen a Texas State Trooper. ~ Harmless snow flurries: Evacuate the State of Texas. ~ Welcome to Texas, where everyone knows everybody and the weather is bipolar. ~ I suppose it does give us all something to talk about.

I've added a new skill or at least I'm developing one. I am learning how to finish my blogs with a mutt sitting in my lap. He and I are typically the only ones up in and around the 5 a.m. timeframe. Early in the mornings, he has the energy of one of those Dingo dogs, therefore, I have to keep him on my lap to make sure I know what he is up to. He is super fast and can find ways to get into trouble in the blink of an eye. Oh well, we asked for it when we made the decision to bring him into our home. The wife had her Bible study group in our home yesterday. He very much enjoyed meeting them. The ladies all know that we have marked ourselves as not being pet people over the years. They are stunned at how this little guy has destroyed that idea. They act like a documentary needs to be made. Give me a break! He does well in my lap but doesn't particularly care for it when I have to hit the left shift key. I suppose it interrupts his train of thought. I have been riding him around the neighborhood in my old pickup truck. He loves putting his nose on the window and watching as we go here and there. And, he so loves me early in the morning. That is, until, the lady of the house gets up. He loses traction on the laminate flooring trying to get to her. She doesn't make him sit on her lap while she makes annoying noises on a keyboard.

He certainly has it much better than the animals we had when I was growing up. No animal was ever allowed in the house with one exception. It was when we experienced a freeze so hard it did the pipes in even though they were wrapped. Us kids were thrilled they were invited to come in, however, they were so scared they didn't know how to act or what to do. Bentley needs to learn how good he has it here. Yesterday, when it was in the mid 30's and the wind was howling, he looked at me from the end of the leash with a puzzled expression. "You expect me to go out in weather like this?" He did just fine. Oh well, enough about our newest novelty. One particular meme has been going around that struck me as hitting the mark. It shows a dog and a cat talking to a newborn, with this caption: "Is it really true you don't have a humane society to protect you?" These happenings over the last few days reminded me of a quote from Dr. Billy Graham, "If God doesn't judge America because of abortion, He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah." If you are reading this today, it means the new computer is functioning. And, be aware, it has nothing to do with the quality or the content. Have a great rest of the day and remember to pray for our nation. Amen. ....More later.

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