Monday, January 21, 2019

“I am an optimist. It does not seem too much use being anything else.”- Winston Churchill

Welcome one and all to the buffet prepared for today. This one is loaded up with all kinds of variations of wordplay and malaprops. It's being offered here on this Monday, January 21, 2019. Our new clothes dryer was delivered last Thursday afternoon. The two fellows operated like they knew exactly what they were doing. I would guess they were at our house for no more than 10 minutes. They were Hispanic and very personable. We talked while they were working. I asked how many they had delivered that day. The leader/driver said 19 thus far, with 2 more to finish out the day. I joked and told them, "But, look how much money you are making." They thought that was really funny. The helper said essentially they get paid the same regardless of how many. These fellows work for a third party and are contracted to Lowes to deliver appliances. I do enjoy seeing people who know what they are doing and it shows. They came, they left, and before they could get out of our neighborhood, the wife was already drying clothes. And, expressing her thankfulness for the new dryer. The old one had served us well, but, it was time to send it on its way. We had planned on bringing one home with us from the store, and, I would have installed it. Based on past experience(s), that would not have been a slam dunk. This worked out much better. The wife and I would have probably really put on a good show trying to get it off of my pickup truck.

This past Saturday marked week one of Bentley, the Shih Tzu, coming to live with us. He is now officially 10 weeks old. He has changed my routine. He has chewed too many things to recount. He can be delightful and exasperating all in the same breath. My bones tell me that taking him out for exercise is working places in my own body that I haven't used in a long time. Before he came I was not out walking at 4:30 a.m. trailing behind him at the end of a leash. And, don't get me started on sloshing my Community Coffee. He is supposed to be in training, but, I think I'm the one who is in boot camp. He goes to the Vet this coming Wednesday. I don't remember ever being at a Veterinarian's clinic. The pets we had when I was a kid didn't receive that type of treatment. They got shots when the people on the truck came into our little town. Even the pets the boys had when they were at home somehow made it without vet care. Here we are, one week into the program and we feel compelled to get Bentley checked out and make sure he has his shots. One more time, old people, who can figure us out? Nearly everytime the wife comes from the store she has something she found for the puppy. The latest purchase is supposed to help his breath. Maybe we should be scheduling ourselves for an appointment down at the mental health clinic. (Full disclosure requires me to mention that one time we were taking care of a cat for one of our kids and it got run over and we took the cat to the pet E/R. They kept him for a week for observation. He turned out to be okay.)

If he could talk he would probably give you his understanding of how all of this unfolded. He was fine. He was living with a nice lady who had many other pets. He slept with her every night. Suddenly, she handed me over to this fellow with hair all over his face. The lady I loved had spoken Spanish. These new people speak a completely different language. I used to play outside with all my buddies, the big white poodle was my favorite, but now, they give me a toy and expect me to be happy. They will not let me sleep with them. They put me into a small prison and put a blanket on top of it. I cooperate the best I know how by sleeping 8 to 10 hours, but, life has really changed for me. Don't get too overwrought folks, I'm just having a little fun here so don't take it seriously. We are getting adjusted and he is too. The other day I told our youngest that Bentley acts like he has won the lottery and everything here on the property belongs to him. He responded by saying that everyone knows that little dog has really won the lottery, big time! Our eldest wanted to know the other day if we are going to include Bentley in the gifts for Christmas. They are just having fun. I don't mind. At least we all are still laughing. For now. Take care, enjoy your day, and remember to remember to thank God for His unconditional love. Amen. ....More later.

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