Friday, January 4, 2019

“The biggest challenge after success is shutting up about it.” ~ Criss Jami, Author

It may be hard to believe, but, here we are, the first Friday of 2019, January 4. I've been hearing a lot about the way to get ready to face the new year so as to maximize one's effectiveness. One fellow posted a word of encouragement to his fellow gym users. He told them not to worry about not being able to find a close parking space because these folks will all be gone soon enough and everyone's regular spaces will become available again. How true. In fact, I think exercise equipment is one of those types of appliances that goes by the wayside faster than almost any other. You see it all the time. Almost brand new for sale at a fraction of its original price. I suppose we can take some heart in the fact that many of us are trying. We plan to walk on a more frequent basis this year. My previous doctor who is now a medical missionary to Africa used to tell me that if I can just walk some it's better than not walking at all. I know. That sounds trite but there's truth in what he advised. I now have more time to devote to walking and I do know it does a body good. It does. It really does. I do get amused at some of my fellow walkers at the mall. The wife and I were there yesterday and a couple of the ladies were practicing their power walking. Either that or they were in a big hurry. One of them was flailing her arms like she was waving down someone to help out in an emergency. The other was pumping her arms up and down like a choo-choo train. And, they were talking about the same speed as they were walking. They were moving on down the walkway. Good for them!

I guess I was waxing all spiritual and motivational eleven years ago in January of 2008 when I wrote this ditty: "New year, new day, and another opportunity to pursue the calling that God has on my life. That's right. THE CALLING. Most of us think 'the calling' is only for those who become full-time pastors, missionaries, or other Church workers. This is not a correct view at all. If you are a believer and have put your trust in Jesus Christ, then you have a relationship with Him and He has a calling on your life. Forget about the labels, full time as opposed to lay person, each believer is called to serve, and God has equipped each person with a unique talent, gift, or ability to fulfill their calling. Many don't pursue their calling because they just haven't learned the truth about it. In that famous meeting on the shoreline of Lake Galilee, Jesus asked Peter three different times if he loved Him. Each time Peter fumbled for an appropriate answer but Jesus responded each time with the same charge, "Peter, if you do love me, show it by taking care of my sheep, my lambs, my flock." That was the Apostle Peter's calling on his life. He had one and I have one and you do too. (see John chapter 21) It's easy to say we haven't been given the ability to do something for the Lord in terms of giftedness. However, this can't be true because the Bible tells us that each one of His own has been given a specific gift in order to serve Him and the needs of those around them. (see 1st Corinthians chapter 12) When people ask me how to find out what they should be doing in response to the truth about God's gift in their life, I always tell them to get involved in ministry, seek God's direction for serving, and He will make it known to you. Being willing to serve anywhere at any time is a pretty good place to start in our pursuit of knowing exactly the special talent God has given to us."

I'm already getting started on the book work required to support the paying of my taxes. I am thankful to be able to pay my taxes. I know it is my duty, and, it is commanded and commended by God, (Romans 13:7) Knowing this and doing my best to do my duty does not necessarily make me feel happy happy about it. I thought the Charlie Brown comic well illustrates this feeling we have regarding the tax system we are under. My main issue is how older people are treated in the tax code when they decide to keep on working. But, 2018, was my last year to be drawing a regular paycheck each week, therefore, my situation will be changing. Yep. I still have the Santa Enterprise to deal with. The feds do like the proceeds from our seasonal professional work. If you ask me, and I know, you didn't, older folks who are able and willing to supplement their waning years by working should be applauded, not punished. I do need to go back and check the actual hearing of Charlie Brown's exclamation because I'm almost positive I will recognize it if it resonates with my angst. (Mine is akin to one of those large whales who is angry and wailing out his frustrations. Wailing, no pun intended.) Some of this was written tongue in cheek. Some. I good part of it is as serious as a heart attack. I used to hear that one a lot, not so much anymore. At any rate, do not be misled. I am very thankful to be in a position to add up resources that require additional taxes. I'm pretty sure that is an accurate statement. I report. You decide. Have yourself a great Saturday and then on Sunday, The Lord's Day, let's all get off on the right track by showing up at the meeting place where God is sought after, preached, sung about, and prayed to. That's my intention. What about you? See you next time, Lord willing. Amen. ...More later.

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