Monday, December 3, 2018

“Country music is the poetry of the American spirit.” ~ Steve Maraboli, Author

Hello Y'all, (hello, hello), how're things going today? If you didn't pick up on that greeting, it is supposed to be a take-off on the Willie Nelson standard, "Hello Walls". That could indicate my state of mind for today's visit, here on this Monday, December 3, 2018. I could have used another opening but I couldn't really come up with anything from this proverbial country music title, "You Done Tore Out My Heart And Stomped That Sucker Flat." Maybe you could have better luck. I know that one is often used as a way to poke fun at country music but I'm not sure that it is actually in a song. However, the late Buck Owens did have a hit with this one and it had this line, "I've got the hungries for your love, wait'in in your welfare line." Funny song titles include: "Thank God and Greyhound, She's Gone"; "All I Want From You (Is Away)"; "You Can’t Have Your Kate and Edith Too"; "If the Phone Doesn’t Ring, It’s Me"; "Drop Kick Me, Jesus (Through the Goal Post of Life)"; "If My Nose Was Running Money (I’d Blow It All On You)"; "I’ve Got Tears in My Ears From Lying on My Back in Bed While I Cry Over You": "I Don’t Know Whether to Kill Myself or Go Bowling"; "Here’s a Quarter (Call Someone Who Cares)"; "I Bought the Shoes That Just Walked Out on Me"; "If You Won’t Leave Me, I’ll Find Somebody Who Will": "If You Can’t Live Without Me, Why Aren’t You Dead Yet?"; and finally, "This Song Has No Title." All of these are real songs. Most are from the country genre, but, not all of them. Several, believe it or not, were big hits. The fabric of life, it's really something to behold. Right?

I listen to a lot of different music. I really don't have a way to categorize my taste. I get a little confused in trying to decide whether it is eclectic or electric. Just kidding. I most likely listen to more Southern Gospel than anything else, but, on any given day, I might be listening to almost anything. There are some notable exceptions but I'll not mention any of those I never listen to because I'm not here to start an argument just for the sake of having one. The other day I got a big kick out of listening to the John Williams soundtrack from the movie, 'Home Alone'. What caused me to call that up was an ad I saw where the Houston Symphony will be playing these tunes live during a watching of the film. To me, that would be something neat to do. Our schedule wouldn't permit that as a consideration so I called up on the internet the fellow who actually put together the original orchestrations and listened to them again. Over the past several months I've also been watching some YouTube videos of a tremendously talented Jewish Cantor, Azi Schwartz. Don't laugh. Call up some of his music. You might be surprised. I think you get what I am talking about. On any given day.... And, I don't have Alexa or anyone else I can tell to play whatever I want to hear next, but, I do know how to find it if it's somewhere out there in the electronic surfer's paradise called the World Wide Web, (WWW).

Oh yeah, I didn't mention my fancy for Old Time Radio, (OTR). The other day I listened to the Mel Blanc Show from December 1946. It was their Christmas program and it was sponsored by Colgate Tooth Powder. It ran for 23 minutes and 24 seconds. I'm drawn to programs from 1946 since that is my birth year. Mel Blanc, (1908-1989), was one of the greatest voice actors of all time. Here are just a few of the characters he voiced, Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Tweety, Sylvester, Speedy Gonzales, Yosemite Sam, Foghorn Leghorn, Wile E. Coyote, Barney Rubble, and Dino. You what? You would never sit and listen to a recording of an old radio program? Then, don't do it. Different strokes. There are, by the way, many hundreds of programs preserved and available out on the web for those who might be inclined to listen. My dad passed away when I was seven years old. One of the few flashback images I have of my dad is of him sitting at the little table in the kitchen listening to a baseball game on the radio. He was really into it. Maybe that has something to do with my interest. I can't be sure and since there's no therapist couch nearby, I'll save that analysis for another day. I also think the statute of limitations may have run out on that one. I do hope you have a great rest of the day. We all need the Lord as we make our way forward. Let's seek Him on behalf of each other. Amen. ....More later.

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