Monday, December 17, 2018

Actual Tweet: "Does every Hallmark Christmas movie have the same plot? Yes. Am I still going to watch them and act surprised when Susan falls in love with the small town baker who only wears sweaters instead of falling for the big city CEO? Yes."

Good morning out there in bloggerland. It's good to connect once again on this Monday, December 17, 2018. I have the ability to fall asleep quickly in my recliner and this has been enhanced through much practice over the past number of years. Add to this the fatigue when I come in from a Santa Claus appearance and you have at least one definition of 'lights out'. I typically set the TV channel before hitting my internal snooze button. The other evening I was in repose, minding my own business when something caused me to be roused from my visit to the rapid eye movement world. I opened my eyes and what did I see? No. It wasn't visions of sugar plums dancing in my head. Lo and behold, the TV was now set to one of the half-dozen Hallmark channels. I was immediately wide awake. How could this have happened? I had worked so hard this entire holiday season to not see nary one of these soppy soaps. Then I heard a tiny little voice from across the room. "Don't get all bent out of shape, you can change it, I've seen this one several times already." That word was like the word of an angel bringing sweet relief to my troubled mind. Having been given permission, I moved it back to a rerun of NCIS, one that we had seen numerous times, and within a minute or two I was back to that far away dream world knowing that all things had been made right. Okay. Don't get all puffed up. Did that actually happen? Yes, it did. But, don't read too much into it. And, please don't think bad of me for exercising my God-ordained head of the house responsibility for management of the Remote Control Device and for trying to keep our brains from being turned into mush. Danger averted. You can now proceed as normal.

The 2017 photo from the Blue Elf charity work.
The Santa Enterprise will be full steam ahead for this final week. (My last venue is on December 23.) The full steam ahead is a reference to the Polar Express movie. Last night I, as Santa Claus, handed out Christmas bells to kids at a Church activity where they were watching that movie. We have a photo session planned on Tuesday, (our 54th wedding anniversary), with a ministry that feeds undernourished seniors. We have another photo session with older folks at an apartment complex that caters to them. I have three HEB appearances and we have the Montgomery County Sheriff Department charity, The Blue Elf, to do this coming Friday. This will be our second year to do this event where bicycles and other toys are given out to needy children. We understand this year will be much larger than last year with over a thousand kids involved. I am also already scheduling events for next year. Only because they asked. I typically don't start doing that until August each year, but, some have sent me official requests, therefore, I will pencil them in knowing that my ability to do them and all other matters pertaining to 2019 are in God's hands. The caveat, Lord willing, certainly applies to any and all plans we make. This is actually illustrated for us in the inspired text given to us in the letter from James, ~ Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit”; whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.” But now you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil. ~ (Chapter 4: 13-16)

I add that saying 'Lord willing' versus living 'Lord willing' are totally different. But, you probably knew that already. The stuff coming out of our nation's capitol right now would almost drive someone to watch the Hallmark Channel. Well, maybe not anything that drastic, but, it is the stuff that causes people to want to look the other way. It appears the relentless barrage of negative assaults has begun to be effective against the current occupant of the Oval Office. For the first time, a majority of Americans polled believe the President has not been truthful regarding the so-called Russian probe. (I did not say the poll was accurate but it did come from one of the big three networks.) There's no doubt the steady knock eventually wears any and all rocks. That's not to say he, in the living out of his life, has not provided plenty of targets. I've made it clear from the get-go that he was not the person I preferred as a candidate. However, given the final choices available, were I to be faced with those same choices again, I would vote for him, period. I don't have a clue how all of this will turn out. Will he be impeached? Will he serve out his term? I will tell you this. I do know The One who does know and His plan and purpose proceeds even as His Sovereign will is being accomplished. He will make all things right. In His own time. We can be sure of that. Amen and Amen.  ....More later.

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