Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Christmas is about a Savior. It really doesn't mean much until we call upon Him to do just that, save us from our sin. Amen. (Romans 10:13)

Mims Baptist Choir and Orchestra, Christmas - 2018
Good Tuesday morning. I do hope all is well on this December 11, 2018. We did a Santa and Mrs. Claus event on Sunday afternoon. Once finished, the wife headed straight for the Church to change for the big Christmas Choir and Orchestra performance. I came home, changed, and headed for the Church. Wait a minute! I haven't seen that many cars since I've been going there. Instead of having MY regular parking spot, (because I am always early), I was directed, that's right, directed to the only open spots available. When I finally got to the back of the back of a place I had never seen, I rolled down my window and asked the teenager with the flashlight what happened to my reserved parking spot. He just laughed and motioned his light for me to keep on trucking. What a performance! I don't know if it was standing room only, but, it was close. What made it great? It was all about Jesus, period, end of story. It was designed as a worship experience. At the end of the program, our pastor gave a brief overview of why Jesus came and how that everyone there could leave knowing Him as Savior and Lord. During the prayer, several raised their hands testifying to their calling upon the Lord to save them. Talk about a Christmas program with a joyful ending! (That may be the first time I have ever seen a public invitation for people to be saved at a Christmas program.) That's one I will not soon forget. Amen.

The other day I had a little girl, maybe 4 or 5, tell me she wanted her own credit card for Christmas. Another little guy told me he wanted his very own Alexa. When I complimented a little girl on her beautiful dress, she said, "Yeah, my mom made me wear it today." We all know that today's world, at best, is typically defined by blended families. I don't know why it bothers me, but, when they begin to sort out the kids and have photos made with those that belong to us together and they make the others wait on the sideline, well, I look at those waiting, typically older kids, and my heart goes out to them. Often, unknowingly, they come up when the rest of the kids come, only to be pulled back and reinserted later. Like I say, it's not any of my business but it does cause Santa's heart to hurt. I'm glad to report I have not seen this year as many parents using the Elf on the shelf as a threatening hammer. That's not to say I haven't heard some pretty wild escapades of behalf of these Elves that I am supposed to know. By name, of course. After all, they are reporting back to me. Right?

It is the season where it looks like the folks in Washington are working mightily on seeing how many lumps of coal they can dole out to their enemies. One thing I have to remind myself about the political machinations we see playing out each day. Just a simple thought to help put it into perspective, "If the roles were reversed." We don't know if there is blood in the water or just food coloring, but, they don't either, therefore, they will respond like it is a mortal wound. It's the nature of the beast. I am not sure this is a good thing or not, but, the way things play out each day turns a whole lot of people off. They would just as soon not watch any of it. That could be bad, especially over the long term. When folks get turned off enough to stop paying any attention, well, the people there may take advantage of that. And, that's why we have to keep up with it, even if it's repulsive. As always, there is good news to all of whatever is happening in Washington. God. That's right. He has the last word, period. He always has and always will. He knows. He sees. And, believers can always count on Him making everything right in His own time. Have faith. In Him. Amen. ....More later.

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