Thursday, December 20, 2018

"Santa Claus had the right idea. Visit people only once a year." ~ Victor Borge

Well, well, here we are again, and yes, I am aware of the old saying about how that a well is a deep subject for such a shallow mind. It's Thursday, December 20, 2018, and the days are just slip-sliding away as we get closer and closer to Christmas Day. Yesterday, we attended a women's college basketball game. Our niece, Whitney, is a starter for the University of Louisiana Monroe, ULM. Her parents, nephew Scotty and niece-in-law Michelle, invited us to attend since they were playing Houston Baptist University here in the area. Scotty belongs to the wife's sister, Dorothy, and our entire family is so proud of all her granddaughter Whitney's accomplishments. She has been good at about every sport she has participated in. She is an amazing young woman. We so enjoyed seeing her play and visiting with Scotty and Michelle, along with Dorothy and James. They didn't win, but, the game was competitive and exciting. We later had an early dinner at the restaurant and that too was a great time of feasting and fellowship.

I do get a lot of requests. These are requests for me to demonstrate the proper ho-ho-ho. I'm not too big on ho-ho-ho-ing, however, I will do it when it is appropriate. My mom used to worry about me not doing enough ho-ho-ho-ing. She said it is not right to be Santa Claus and not go around doing the famous signature greeting. I think I asked her one time what she really knew about it, but, I did get her point, and I have attempted to develop my own guttural approach to adding credibility to my own laugh. A few days ago I was with some kids who were working to determine if I was the 'real Santa'. They checked out the beard. They asked me several Santa related questions. I mostly handed the questions back to them but they seemed okay with that. Finally, they wanted to hear the real Santa do the real ho-ho-ho. It more or less put me on the spot so I gave them the one I have been working on for some time. It's more of a laugh incorporated into something natural as opposed to mimicking the actual ho-ho-ho words. They bought it. Big eyes. Yep. "He is the real Santa!" See, mom, I told you that when I needed to do it, I would. Mission accomplished.

I know I can't file a work-related complaint, but, seriously, the day I did those 600 kids in 5-1/2 hours, well, I did strain my gizzard and it is taking its own good time getting well. I've not been 100% since then. Mrs. Claus' answer to everything is to call the doctor. I operate more on my grandfather's advice, "Son, it will feel much better when it quits hurting." Part of my attitude comes from knowing that things like this come with the territory. And, you live and learn. If I were to do that type of melt-down marathon photo program again I will likely take more timeouts and walk around some. For most of the time, I essentially sat there Henry Ford assembly line fashion. In retrospect, that was not good. By the time I get to where I think I have recovered some, bam! there I am helping rather large older folks to get down and then get back up off of my knee. I am sharing, not complaining. It's a reality and this is my reality show. It's called The View From Here. For better or for worse I drag those of you who tune in along with me. It can be a bumpy ride. Just like life. Come to think about it, that's an excellent metaphor for life, a bumpy ride. Or, that's what I have experienced. Now, be careful out there because it can be treacherous. I read comments from a lot of folks talking about driving in the fog this week. It made me glad I could just say no to my former commute. (I remember the day it was so bad I couldn't find out where I was on the road. True story. I didn't know if I was on the right or left side. I finally made it to the office. Only by the grace of God. Amen.) See you next time and may God bless. Amen. ....More later.

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