Wednesday, October 30, 2013

"If I studied all my life, I couldn't think up half the number of funny things passed in one session of congress." ~ Will Rogers

Hello and howdy along with a hearty welcome to Wednesday, October 30, 2013. This week finds a lot of folks busying themselves in building their own version of a haunted house so they can scare folks. In case you haven't noticed, we have a scare-fest going on in Washington, D.C. every single day. Don't take my word for it. Tune in anytime during the day on CSPAN to watch the live proceedings from the House and the Senate. Do it and I guarantee it will frighten the wallet right out of your back pocket or your purse. That little ditty is no doubt a rather lame attempt to add some levity to the start of the day. I know. I can do lame pretty well. Think about it. I've had a lot of practice. I liked this one: "A CEO is passing by the factory floor where everyone's working and notices one guy leaning against a wall. The CEO wanted to let everyone know he didn't like slackers. He asks the guy, "How much money money do you make a week?" The guy says, "I make $400 a week. Why?" The CEO says, "You wait right here." He goes to his office, comes back, hands the guy $1,600 in cash and says, "'Here's four weeks' pay. Now GET OUT and don't come back." The guy leaves. The CEO looks around the room and asks, "Does anyone want to tell me what that goof-ball did here?" From across the room a voice says, 'That was the pizza delivery guy.'"

I suppose that little story reminds us to get our facts straight before we act. It's a take on the way we often get a little ahead of ourselves. The ready, fire, aim approach. You know. Jumping to conclusions. We all find ourselves using the tired excuse of that's not what I intended when these types of situations occur. My grandfather didn't buy that one. He would always ask me if that wasn't what I intended, then what did I intend? I couldn't count how many times I've used that same question in dealing with folks when something didn't go right. On them. Others. However, I need to be reminded that he asked me that question. That's right. It always comes down to us knowing that certain and undeniable truth, "It's me, it's me, it's me oh Lord, standing in the need of prayer." On any given day I have plenty to say grace over dealing with yours truly, or as I so often say, me, myself and I. You too? I thought so.

Everyone knows how much we treasure our mom and the long life that God has given to her. She has been on somewhat of a roller coaster ride during the last two weeks. Back on the 17th she had underwent a Cardioversion to shock her heart back into rhythm. That turned out to be an ordeal since they had to do it multiple times. A week later she returned for a follow up and due to a mix up in the communications process she interpreted what was said as a very dire report. But, praise the Lord, that has now been cleared up and her heart continues to be in rhythm, and they report she's doing well for someone who has sojourned here for 89 plus years. We thank God and give Him the glory for her and this good report. It reminds me of the time I had developed an inflammation in the lining around my heart. The doctor said that while it was not particularly dangerous, the associated pain being so severe, he joked, "The thought alone could kill you." I said he was laughing. Not me. But, I can now. I do thank everyone for praying for our mom. She is our family treasure. May God bless us all is my prayer. Amen. ....More later.

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