Monday, January 7, 2013

“Things turn out best for the people who make the best out of the way things turn out.” – Art Linkletter

Happy Birthday to our Great Grand Madelyn Joy. She is three years young today. We thank God for her and pray that He will watch over her. Her name is appropriate because she is the source of joy to many. We hope to celebrate this event with her this upcoming weekend. Happy Birthday Madi. We love you, MiMi and Poppy.

Good morning and welcome. It is Monday, January 7, 2013, and we are back to a regular work week schedule. Last week during the two days I was in a disconnected status from the internet, you know, sometimes called our lifeline, I was reminded just how much I do electronically. I was actually seen using pen and paper. I talked to people on the telephone that I normally just shoot them an email. I know what some of you are thinking. I should have one of those fancy phones that will do all of those things as a back up. My old cell phone is on its last legs but we continue to persevere together. I told my wife I had upgraded my phone. She was excited. She asked which one I chose. I told her I had put some new blue painter's tape to help hold it together, so I now have a new paint job on my cell phone. She was not even slightly impressed. I can hardly wait until someone sees that bright blue tape and asks where I bought such a stunning looking specialty cover. What's that you say? You don't think I should hold my breath on that one? Maybe not, but it did fool me a couple of times because it is different, yes it is. Just like me. And, just like you and everyone else breathing air on the planet. So very different but at the same time exactly the same in our need of knowing and having the true and living God in our lives each day. And, you don't need an electronic device to talk to Him because He is with you at all times. Amen.

I now understand some of why people tune in. You can feel a little better about your situation after hearing about mine. That's okay. They tell us that is one of the reasons people are so into Facebook. There they can see the good, the bad, and the ugly displayed by those willing to share. I heard one psychologist talking about how some people read Facebook and see so much good going on in other folks' lives, they actually become depressed. The Bible tells us to rejoice with those who are rejoicing and to weep with those who are weeping. (Romans 5:12) Hearing about someone you know doing well, getting a great promotion, or achieving something meaningful should be a source of thanksgiving and joy. I know. Sometimes when things aren't going so well it's easy to wonder why them and perhaps that's how some folks get down and out when they see others doing well. It's like that old song I heard growing up that our song leader back home didn't quite understand. Farther Along was not a father's day song but that's okay, it's a good song anyway. That song talks about the mystery of why those who are faithful struggle while those who are not seem to prosper. David in the Bible had that same thing in mind but he concluded that he knew their end and was encouraged by his relationship with God. (Read his account found in the 37th Division of the Psalms.)

The preceding paragraph was an unexplained and unplanned spurt of spontaneity but there might just be a thought or two that can encourage us all. Best I can tell, we all need encouragement. As it turned out everyone who pays the payroll tax had an increase on January 1st. This means, essentially, that all people who have jobs did, in fact, have their taxes go up. This was the end of what was called the payroll tax holiday initiated last year in hopes that it would stimulate the economy. The so called fiscal cliff deal is not much of a deal. It's bundled with a whole lot of pork, like most spending bills in Congress. The folks that you would have thought would not have voted for this explained their vote for it based on the Washington sing song called the lesser of all evils. Here's their rationale: If they had not voted for this one, it would have been much worse. You can accept that if you want to but there's a whole lot more coming sooner, not later, since the debt ceiling and the automatic spending cuts have not yet been dealt with. It is not surprising that the latest Gallup polling showed less than 20% of the voting population approved of the politicians in the House and Senate. I heard one reporter saying that when he gets really down and out he is reminded that while his profession is near the bottom of the barrel, they are still a notch or two ahead of the Congress. But, here's my take: It is still we the people, and especially we, the people of faith, who must continue to seek God's will as these things play out before us. Amen.           .....More later.

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