Monday, February 6, 2012

What do you call a baby monkey? A chimp off the old block!

Someone sent me a cartoon the other day. Two fellows are sitting on the park bench talking. One says to the other: "Yeah, my wife asked me what I intended to do today. I told her - - nothing." She said, "That's what you did yesterday." The man said this is what he told her, "That's right but I haven't finished yet." And, I'm not finished yet either on this Monday, February 6, 2012. I suppose I must have seen my shadow last Thursday because it was Groundhog Day and I did have to go to the dentist. I know that doesn't make much sense but it is still early and maybe, just maybe, it will get better as we go. One can always hope. Sometimes things just end up sounding funny. Like one teenager who wrote an essay with the title: Obesity is a large issue. Or the fellow who asked, "Did I tell you about my new gym? It has worked out well." Sometimes a headline has a reason to shine: "Daycare Fire Raises Questions/Sparks an Investigation." Or maybe this one: "Housing for Elderly Still not Dead."  How about this from an agency report: "We experienced 150 drug related deaths last year, an all time high." Government can also participate: "Red tape continues to hold up bridge." Then we have this one from a Church: "There was a sprinkling of children among those being baptized." Okay. I give up. Some of these puns are pretty puny but it does show just how 'punny' anyone can be if they are not watching their words.

I know what many of you are thinking: "He is nothing less than a veritable smorgasbord of scrumptious surprises this morning." What's that? Not even close? I didn't really think so but I love that sentence so I thought I would find a place for it. That sentence might qualify as one of those opening volleys intended to hook or draw the reader in. They tell me that great authors were masters in crafting their opening sentences. I'm not nearly so clever, therefore, I follow a different approach. It's a stylistic variation that is not as well known. It's called the Open Letter system. When I sit down to write "I open up and letter fly." And, as you can tell, that's what happens here, the letters fly and often I can't even be sure what I intended. Not really. But, it is interesting to evaluate how these techniques are used to capture and keep our attention. Dickens wrote, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..." (A Tale of Two Cities, 1859) I suppose he couldn't find a place for the word smorgasbord. But we can forgive him since that word was not coined until between 1915-1920 by the Swiss. Where else can you tune in and find some Redneck humor one day and quotations from a literary giant like Dickens the next? I'll end this little vocabulary venting with that famous pun that makes nearly every list: "Did you hear about the guy who emailed ten puns to friends, in the hope that at least one of the puns would make them laugh? Unfortunately, no pun in ten did."

Santa and his buddy, Braden.
It doesn't take that much to make my day. There's a little guy who comes to our local fellowship on Sunday evenings to be a part of our children's Bible club. His name is Braden. Braden has some learning challenges but he is one special little guy. His parents are friends with one of the young couples in our Church who are raising a beautiful child who is autistic. Braden has been at Chic-fil-A the last two years when I was there as Santa. This last time he told me he was going to make me an ornament. I am the greeter on Sunday evenings at the door where most of the kiddos come in. He knows that I am Santa and he told me several times he keeps forgetting to bring me my ornament. The other evening he brought it to me. What a blessing. Then, the other day I saw their family picture on Facebook when I was on the page of the couple who goes to our Church. I clicked on it and the photo I've included for your viewing pleasure was on their front page. Now, I ask you, "How many times have you ever landed on someone's Facebook page and been surprised to see yourself as Santa, bigger than life, sitting there with a young man named Braden?" Not even one time? Ah ha! And, you thought I was just this ordinary fellow who wasn't very famous at all. Right? Think again Buckaroo! I know it sounds like I am gloating but that would not reflect the truth at all. I'm blessed to have the opportunity to bring a little joy to children, and to have the sense to thank God for being able to enjoy it so much. I discovered that photo by accident. Or did I? I report, you decide. Have a wonderful Monday and may God add His blessings to it! Amen.     ....More later.

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