Friday, February 3, 2012

One ancient theory is that coffee was discovered by the Ethiopians. They observed the goats dancing after eating some beans.

I hope you are enjoying a good cup of coffee as you join me this morning, on this Friday, February 3, 2012. I've made it a point not to discuss my drinking habits with my new doctor. Coffee drinking habits. I've adopted the recently discarded military practice, "Don't ask, don't tell." I don't have a clue what he might think about it but why risk a confrontation. I have been trying to manage my consumption and I am happy to report that the efforts continue even though the results are somewhat iffy at this time. One good way of knowing you need to cut back some is to recognize the symptoms that occur when you have overindulged. ~ You get a letter telling you that Juan Valdez has named his donkey after you. ~ You haven't blinked since the last lunar eclipse. ~ You don't walk in your sleep, you jog. ~ The only way you can watch a movie on dvd is in fast forward mode. ~ You are able to type 60 words per minute, with your feet. ~ You complete 20 miles on your treadmill and then discover it wasn't plugged in. ~ Your goal in life: To amount to a hill of beans. ~ When someone asks how you are doing, you reply: "I'm good to the last drop." ~ You can't wait to get to sleep because you are so anxious to wake up and smell the coffee. ~ You accidentally introduce your spouse as your coffee-mate. ~ Those would be warning signs that perhaps one has had a little too much of the caffeinated nectar. I suppose I can take credit for sharing these with you as a public service. That way you will avoid having to deal with something like this happening: "Doctor, every time I sip on my coffee I feel a jabbing pain in my eye." Doctor responds, "Try taking the spoon out of your cup."

This is what you get when I continue to avoid that other subject. You know that one that may well be the elephant in the room, or maybe the donkey. It has been an interesting week and I am always feeling better when I finish with a sense of having accomplished something. For me, that typically means chipping away at some tasking, here, there, and yonder. Filling in a few blanks. Following up and cleaning up some loose ends. But, we all have our schedules and you need only listen to folks to learn that many feel loaded down with all they have to try and get done each day. That's not new. Jesus spoke to a group of folks one day who were experiencing the same sort of situation. They were loaded down. Not only in trying to make it each day in a world where their nation was being ruled by hateful outsiders, but their approach to their religion tended to be burdensome and crushing as they tried to make it each day. Jesus had an answer for them and by association, for us as well: "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." (Matthew 11:28-29 as rendered by the New American Standard Bible.) Many have pointed out that the 'yoke' would have been a double with two carrying the weight, meaning Jesus would be helping to carry the load. One old preacher put it this way: "If you want to live a life where you can deal with your burdens, you need to get 'yoked up' with Jesus." The other thing we see is how that relief comes from the inside - out, rest for your soul. A wonderful truth that can help change our attitude and our altitude! Amen.

I always find it interesting when people advise others not to preach to someone who needs help. By preaching I suppose they mean condemnation but often they also include sharing any of God's truth. Wow! I've even been told before that sharing God's Word is the last thing they needed to hear. Wow! That really puts us in a bind because all of us are nothing but beggars who get to tell other beggars where to find nourishment. When we remove the opportunity to give someone the source, well, that may make someone feel a little better, but when it comes to helping them solve their greatest needs, it will not set them free. And, I am aware of using gentleness and respect when we do try to help those in need but without God's help, for you, for me, and for anyone else, we really have nothing to offer. All the help this world can come up with will never come close to the power of God to work in a person's life. He is, after all, the Creator, therefore, He knows exactly what each of His created humans stand in need of. Okay. I suppose you could call that a mini sermon but it really just sort of fell out and when I can't come up with something else, I attempt to share what is percolating at the time. No. The percolating comment is not a way to get back to some more about coffee but it does remind me that I still have some to enjoy, therefore, I'll go pour another cup and also bid you a wonderful Saturday, and Lord's Day Sunday, and Lord willing I will see you next time where I will be trying to compose a tune or two on the old keyboard. May God bless. Amen.      .....More later.

1 comment:

Crawl said...

Dear Sir

I stumbled on your Blog by accident and could not stop reading. I should be studying but I thought to myself that I will go to bed a hour later tonight to catch up, as your blog is good reading material. I must admit that I do enjoy your blog very much. I just want to let you know that you are not alone and that I share your sentiment on that rich aromatic, full bodied beverage which we so fondly refer to as coffee. I am "slightly" addicted to it. Maybe the word "slightly" is an understatement, but I always believe to be modest than to brag about my addiction. After all, an addiction is not something that we are suppose to brag about. I even take my own coffee to uni as I became very "touchy" about the quality of my coffee. Trust me, if I say that not even a military cook can manage to make worse coffee than our cafeteria at uni, and then they expect one to actually pay money for it. Ha, you only trick me once. I have to go as the last bit of coffee just ran down my throat and I need to refill my mug before I start again revising for tomorrow. God Bless and may God's hand protect you and your family that you may share thousands mugs of coffee together.