Monday, May 24, 2010

The Wheel of Mis-fortune is spinning out of control!

Hello friends, neighbors, and even those who might be called casual observers. I know all about that casual observing business because I can fly through websites gleaning this, that, or the other somewhere near the speed of light. But I suppose I had perfected this long before there were any websites because I used to be told I had a Reader's Digest understanding of current events as opposed to any real depth. I'm almost certain this was not a compliment because it indicated that I was shallow and wide as opposed to deep and wide. But who would have ever thought there would be a bejillion of sources which makes my scanning approach a little more reasonable and effective? Good morning and welcome to my broad and shallow world where you will hear quite a bit about many things but not much in detail about anything. It is Monday, May 24, 2010 and God has been good to allow us to rise and shine another day. We woke up a few days ago and found out the transition from cool to mild to warm to hot had taken place overnight. Our central air system went from feeling lonely and unused to a twenty four hour endurance test trying to chase the humidity and heat. Welcome to summer.

I do pray that you and yours are doing well. As a casual observer myself, I've noticed how we've all become scheduled until there's almost no time left, period. I hear people talking about their need to get one kid here and one kid there and meet someone after that, then keep an appointment, and oh yeah, be back in time to make sure this other thing is taken care of. It's become almost like hamsters having a convention where they all sit around in the foyer and compare notes about how busy they are. I am not pointing a finger because I fill in my calendar book each week and believe me, often I'm right in there with everyone else. I actually wonder sometimes about the motivation behind all of this activity. It would almost seem that we feel like we are less than what we should be if we are not part of a feeding frenzy, all the time. I do know that it can become a self perpetuating problem in how the busyness feeds upon itself and if we are not careful we end up only serving the schedule with very little accomplishment as a result.

Slow down, catch your breath, take time to absorb and enjoy the life God has given to you. God knew that we would be captured by the world's demands, therefore, He instructed us to be still. Be still in His presence and know that He is God. (Psalm 46) While I am not big on the quiet time process that so many prescribe today, I do know the importance of spending time with God. My reason for having some issues with the quiet time craze is how that it too becomes a part of our schedule and if we are not careful we observe it in a ritualistic manner. My quiet time may be spent crying out to God. It may happen as I drive my car. It might be as He speaks to me when I read His word. It can be my time with Him as I listen to His Word being taught. The old song encourages us to take time to be holy because the world rushes on. And that it does. Therefore, I encourage us all as we embrace this brand new work week to consider the greatest need that we have. It's not in having the strength to meet all the schedules we have before us. It's not in being able to cross off all the things on our 'to do' list. Our greatest need is to have God and His direction and help as we seek to live out the life He has given to us in a manner that will bring honor and glory to Him. Thanks, brother, I needed that today! Amen. .....More later.

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