Friday, May 21, 2010

Here's what I have for you today: Nothing of consequence, significance, or interest!

I suppose this must be the place and, it is, after all, Friday, therefore, I bid you a hearty welcome on this 21st day of May 2010. I know I have been rather wordy this week, therefore, I thought I would end on a more instructive note. Here's some information that might come in handy: If you are ever chased by a German Shepherd police dog try to avoid running through a tight tunnel, or skipping over a seesaw, or jumping through a hoop of fire; they are trained to do these very things! Now I ask you, where can you find breakthrough information like that? The 94 year old woman showed up at the lawyer's office and demanded he begin divorce proceedings immediately. He was shocked and having regained his composure asked why, after 70 years of marriage. She simply replied that they had made a pact not to do anything until all the children had died. It could get worse you know. You want proof? What did the mother buffalo say to her son as he left for school? BI-son! Don't ever doubt the man with the flying fingers on the keyboard! I didn't say that every day would be entertaining but sometimes stuff just jumps out at you. Here's one that actually appeals to me. What goes clop, clop, clop, ....bang...bang...., clop, clop, clop? An Amish drive by shooting!

The definition of the word void says it pertains to containing no matter, empty, or not occupied. That's more or less what I am shooting for in today's blog. If you read all of this and conclude that there is no there there, then I will have accomplished my mission. It's kind of a payback for all the heavy duty stuff I've been wailing and gnashing about over the last several days. When asked to give a practical explanation for relativity, Albert Einstein reportedly described it this way: "When you hold your hand on a hot stove for one minute, it seems like hours. When you hold the hand of a pretty young woman for hours, it seems like minutes. Now that's relativity!" I have no idea if he actually said that but it is attributed to him on the Scientific American website. It really has no bearing on anything other than today's theme of pasting keystrokes on the page. Back in the day I believe the writers called it filler. That would be text that is used to fill up a page resembling real text but is nothing more than random words put together. Now I know what my blog is really all about. Random words put together in a way that causes them to resemble real text. I love it.

I set out today to write as much about absolutely nothing as I could. You probably think that would be somewhat easy for me. But you do realize that I have been busy lately. In fact, I've been busier than a one toothed man at a corn cob eating contest, busier than a one eyed cat trying to watch two mouse holes, busier than a one armed bricklayer in Baghdad, busier than a pair of jumper cables at a family reunion in Arkansas, or finally, busier than a Jehovah's Witness at a Doors Unlimited Store. I leave you to consider the plight of the cow unable to give milk. How would you like to go through life being called a Milk Dud? It's time to put this blog out of its misery. I do pray that you will have a wonderful Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday. Remember that Saturday ends your week and we all have an opportunity to recognize a brand new week by gathering together with other believers on the first day of the week, Sunday, to honor the One who came forth from the grave on that very day! Amen. As for today's blog, just remember what I've always said: It's not easy being me! See you next time. .....More later.

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