Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A case of misspoken identity!

As we shuffle through the roulette wheel that passes itself off as my random thought generator, I am thinking today about how that sometimes what people think I was trying to say and how their thoughts aren't even close to what I was intending to convey. Oh yeah, by now you know the obvious, I love run on and wordy sentences. Hey, that might be connected to how I can be off target at times but this is what I am stewing about on this Tuesday, May 4, 2010. Just exactly how in the world are you doing, anyway? Often my attempts to paint a picture using a 'tongue in cheek' approach seems to be taken literally or out of context and I hear these things being said that seem like they must be reading someone else's blog. This can happen for any number of reasons. Maybe I hit on a subject that is very much on the front burner in someone's life and they read what I write from that perspective, while I had no thoughts about their situation at all when I wrote it. Or, there have been times when I make huge exaggerated examples to prove up a point and some come away with some confusion about the examples while never seeing the point I was trying to make. I will take responsibility for my share of this since I'm the one trying to communicate by using word pictures and some chosen illustrations.

I could most likely do a better job thinking about what I have written before I hit the send button, however, I don't want to begin second guessing my stuff because I believe it might cause me to be always trying to be so clear as to make it boring and mundane. Let me quickly add for those who already think most of it is boring and mundane, you can always skip it or delete it. This usually takes less than 2 seconds. I will also say that for those I have interacted with who did express concern, often when they re-read it, they saw it the way I had intended. We are all busy and in a hurry, therefore, picking up bits and pieces could at times present an incomplete picture. One thing I hope everyone realizes is that I do care. While I have made it clear that my daily musings are just that, my thoughts, ideas, and viewpoints, I really do care about what I write about and I really do care about the quality of this endeavor. It's like trying to read some quotes while trying to figure out the tone used when they were said. "You are a great person!" This could be a wonderful congratulatory statement or it could just as well be said in a tone dripping with sarcasm. It's up to the writer to make sure you know which one is being implied.

Why is this important? One of the reasons it is crucial to me is due to the amount of spiritual guidance and biblical input that I use in my daily blogs. Anyone who knows me well knows the extent of seriousness that I place on always trying to handle God's Word in a studied and careful way. I believe that part of my calling as a teacher is to present the truth that God has given to us in the way that He would have it presented. Therefore, any time someone misunderstands my intention or meaning in this area, it is of great concern to me. I am not saying that everyone will always agree with my rendering of a particular biblical text but I do always want to be very clear in how I present what I believe to be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I do promise to work hard to convey what I write about in a way that will be clear, even if it's done in a joking way. However, remember that you are dealing with the best of what I have to offer and that comes with a disclaimer because on any given day I am subject to being about as fuzzy and muddled as anyone can be. So far I've been able to straighten up and correct most of the questions that have come to me and I do appreciate people caring enough to be engaged. I just finished reading what I have written about how confusion can occur and to tell you the truth I'm pretty confused about what I have written on the subject. I suppose I had better quit while I am only at the confused point! Have a blessed day and may God help us all! Amen. ......More later.

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