Monday, August 10, 2009

Stupid is... As stupid does!

This is not a test of the emergency broadcast system. That loud screeching sound is none other than your faithful blogger reacting to the unbelievable stuff happening in our country. This is how I have chosen to start off the day on this Monday, August 10, 2009. Recently when our President said the police had acted stupidly in arresting his professor friend that got me to thinking about the use of the ‘S’ word to describe the behavior of others. Since the word itself reflects a lacking of a sense of intelligence or quickness in mind, then it properly describes the actions of someone who, at least at a particular moment, was dulled to the reality of what they were doing. In considering this word I thought how a better illustration might be seen by the actions of the people who voted for Mr. Obama hoping for whatever dream he promised to fulfill. I do not know all the facts in the police case but I do have a pretty good understanding of those involved in the last election. People stupidly chose to elect someone who is finally being exposed for who he really is and what he really stands for. I suppose I could say that for twenty years Mr. Obama stupidly sat and listened to the comments of his pastor and mentor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and then stupidly denied knowing the intense racial hatreds espoused by and preached loudly by the preacher he credits with being a key mentor and in having a huge impact on his life.

Sadly, far too many honest, caring Americans stupidly accepted Mr. Obama’s stupid lie about not having a clue as to what Dr. Wright preached from his pulpit. Or even sadder, many stupidly didn’t care because they stupidly believed he would walk on water when he became president. Now we hear that those opposing his so-called reforms are ill informed (translated: stupid). We also hear those who show up to protest at the town hall meetings are also thugs without merit, acting, of course, stupidly. Now I am not going to pour gasoline on the fire because this could only lead to an even larger firestorm kindled mainly by stupidity. We now have the first Latino woman on the Supreme Court. The Latino population is the fastest growing voting bloc in our country. Of course to make this connection would be stupid, right? How about finding ways to dumb down the voting process where people don’t have to prove citizenship at all? To be concerned about non-citizens electing our officials would show that you are not only stupid but also racist, right?

The power mongers in Congress have slipped in the purchase of a fleet of executive jets to fly themselves all over the world while calling anyone stupid who raises questions about our country’s financial mess. I’ve looked at some of the video from these congressional town hall meetings. Some folks are there to cause trouble but many who are being called stupid are there because they care about what happens to health care for themselves, their families, and for future generations to follow. They are there because they live in a country where dissent is honored and protest is allowed. The pig trough feeding charlatans had no problem when their sponsored groups intimidated voters at polling places or when paid union workers were used to disrupt rallies during last year’s election. These groups were entitled to be heard and were doing good for their country, therefore, they get a pass, while the rest of us who make up the stupid silent majority are supposed to mind our own stupid business. Okay. I know this has been an overkill but be aware that as the sleeping giant known as the common man, woman, boy and girl wakes up and begins to smell the coffee, things may change and calling it stupid will not restrain its power! May God intervene and interfere where needed to guide America! Amen. ……More later.

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