Thursday, August 27, 2009

Raining cats and dogs?

It’s one of those blah kinds of days where I find myself betwixt and between in trying to remember the differences between momentum and inertia. Once I do I then need to figure out which one best describes my current mode, okay, you guessed it, without checking I already know mine equals BLAH. Maybe the economic engine is not the only thing stuck in neutral. A funny thing happened to me on my way to writing this blog. I was trying to come up with something to write about and the idiom ‘raining cats and dogs’ came to my mind. This led me to trying to find out its origin which most likely reflects back in time when cats and dogs used to hang out on the top of thatched roofs and when it rained they would either slip or jump off, hence, raining cats and dogs. There are a few other possibilities that involve a play on certain words in certain languages but to go much further would have caused me to do a U-turn back to the momentum versus inertia dilemma. It is Thursday, August 27, 2009, and today’s episode will remind us all that not every one I write is a keeper.

Here’s a few more to go along with raining cats and dogs; Go ape; Barking up the wrong tree; Blind as a bat; Loaded for bear; Wolf in sheep’s clothing; Burr under your saddle; Tail wagging the dog; Busy as a bee; Full as a tick; Cat’s meow; Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched; Strong as an ox; That dog won’t hunt; When pigs fly; Bull in a china shop; Black sheep of the family; Thrown to the wolves; Knee high to a giraffe; Naked as a jaybird; Ugly as a toad; Snug as bug in a rug; Puppy love; Curiosity killed the cat; Kill the fatted calf; The early bird catches the worm; Fox guarding the chicken house; Rat race; Sick as a dog; Crazy as a bessie-bug; Doesn’t have the sense God gave a goose; Straw that broke the camel’s back; A scaredy cat; Drunk as a skunk; Stop cold turkey; Pull the wool over one’s eyes; Swan song; and finally: Go hog wild, go whole hog, and be a hog about it!

With my mind’s eye I see those white flags waving in surrender where you not only give up, you are hoping I will soon give out. I wanted to share these with you before the animal rights people pass a law that will have anyone using them incarcerated. But, I believe it is them who lack the sense God gave a goose because while they might call me crazy as a bessie bug, they are the ones who show up to protest naked as a jaybird, therefore, trying to do something about me using these idioms and expressions is a dog that will not hunt. In fact, they can check back with me when pigs fly but they should expect if they mess with me I’ll be loaded for bear and ready to throw them to the wolves. They would obviously be barking up the wrong tree because if they hang around long enough until it rains, yeah, you guessed it, they could be hit by raining cats and dogs. Fortunately the silly gene rarely ever makes it to the front burner when I’m cooking stuff up but for today, that’s all I could manage to squeeze out. Have a great one and may God bless. Amen. ….More later.

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