Wednesday, January 20, 2021

“Trying to get through life on your own limited strength, knowledge, and resources leads to futility and a loss of hope. But in God’s economy, getting to the end of yourself is the beginning of hope.” ~ AUTHORS Henry Cloud and John Townsend, BOOK: God Will Make a Way

Good morning and welcome. It is Wednesday, January 20, 2021. I will confirm one tidbit regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Falci was not 100% accurate when he said Santa Claus had an institutional immunity to the virus. Or, at least, it didn't turn out that way for this particular Santa Claus. Maybe, it was only during the actual sleigh ride and delivery process. I never thought him telling America's children that piece of information was such a good idea anyway. I did have another phone call with my doctor. He sent me two prescriptions. One is an antibiotic and the other is a steroid. I have taken the first dose and while it may be psychosomatic, I actually feel better again this morning. I am 10 days into dealing with my experience with COVID and I am ready to put it behind me. I mentioned the other day it is as if that much of the calendar fell off into oblivion. My bones are better. I've head mentioned before about the death rattle and bones that ache from the inside out. I think I know more about those than I did before. But, I am, for the record, on the mend. Again. Our choir director sent me a note and it was generic but it sounded interesting to me. It opened by saying, "If you are not sick I need you." He was attempting to drum up a response for the scheduled practice. It just seemed timely and somewhat ominous to open it up that way, "If you are not sick." Here's the truth as I know it. I am recovering. I am thankful. And, I give God praise for where I am at the moment. That's my story and as of this morning, I'm sticking with it. Have a great rest of the day and may God add His blessings. Amen. .....More later.

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