Monday, April 20, 2020

The Lord received Bro. Domingo Padernal into His eternal presence, "Well done, good and faithful servant..." Amen.

Hey. Wake up. It's Monday, April 20, 2020. Here is my recent take, "This could get old before it gets better." I say that tongue in cheek because my heart goes out to the 22 million-plus who have reported themselves as being unemployed. This situation is a family crisis on a national level. Sadly, politics are still at the forefront when debating what could be done to help the situation. "I'll go along with your relief package if you will allow us to tack on our liberal agenda. If not, we can wait." Oh yeah, in the meantime we will accuse you of dragging your feet and any other high crimes and misdemeanors we can come up with. That's my reading. You may have a different reading. You better have one while you can. I saw a clip the other day from the Israel news channel. It showed a confrontation between the ultra-Orthodox Jews and the local police. The police ordered them to disband. The religious order refused. The confrontation escalated as religious devotion had a head-on collision with the government edicts. The police ended up shooting into the crowd some non-lethal compression grenades but that didn't get the job done so they attacked them with tear gas. I know we are called to cooperate with the governing authorities, but, as believers that can be superseded if and when we are asked to deny our faith. I hope and pray we never see the police tear-gassing people of faith in our country.

We had a dear friend in ministry, Bro. Domingo Padernal who made his way to His heavenly home last Friday morning. Bro. Domingo was a Missionary Pastor, Church planter, seminary teacher, and Soldier of the Cross in the Southern Philippine Islands. God worked through him to establish a dozen local assemblies and many of them continue today. We've been blessed to have supported him and his ministry over the past 25 plus years. He was a wee little man with a big heart for God and a love for reaching and loving on people. Here's a video I did to honor his memory:

There are a whole lot of folks doing what they do online and broadcasting it to their friends and even to a broader audience. We have become familiar with their home backgrounds in their live broadcasts or recorded videos. I do most of my stuff up in my home office, but, we did adjust things a little to have an 'appropriate' background. Not everyone does that. One might get the idea they need to straighten up their home a little during this shelter in place program.  The photo of Mr. Bentley and me show one side of the office. The other side would not be ready for prime time since it has all my important clutter stacked here and there. It reminds me of when I spent the weekend with an uncle who was in college along with his wife in Lake Charles, Louisiana. He had a parttime job at the local TV station where he was a cameraman. I tagged along with him to his job one afternoon. They did live commercials back at that time. A used car salesman was ready to do his promotional pitch. They opened the big doors but he couldn't get his featured car to start. We all went out and helped push it inside the studio. When he started his spiel he talked about what a great car they were featuring and how wonderful it would be for anyone to have it. As a young teenager, I was appalled with this disconnect from the reality of that car that not only wouldn't start but it didn't look that great when the bright lights were not on. I have an idea that what we see being put on Facebook Live may be more like the car ad than one might think. Just my thoughts as we all embrace the brave new world of connecting via online technologies. Amen. ........More later.

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