Tuesday, April 14, 2020

"Actions speak louder than words. Unfortunately, they do not speak nearly as often as words." -- Mark Twain

Good morning folks, it is Tuesday, April 14, 2020, and I know many of us are weary, but, we still have much to be thankful to God for. Amen. The Apostle Paul was inspired to share this truth with his first lieutenant and fellow servant, Timothy, "As long as we have food and clothes, we should be satisfied." (1st Timothy 6:8, GOD'S WORD Translation) That verse covers most of us while there are exceptions where some find themselves standing in long lines to get enough to feed their families. I saw one person who posted something about their deep depression nearly to the point of suicide, but, they mostly saw a steady stream from their friends complaining about things like the rain spoiling their outing, toilet paper, and other superficial issues. I don't know why but I am often reminded of that scene from the first Home Alone movie where the mom is on the airplane headed to France and she has just discovered they had left their little boy Kevin behind. The brother-in-law leans in and tells her, "If it makes you feel any better, I left my reading glasses behind." Too many times I find myself being the brother-in-law. My minor inconveniences take center stage when others are dealing with life and death issues. God would have us to consider the plight of others and even during this time of limited access, He would have us to use whatever means we have to demonstrate our love for Him by showing in a tangible way our love for others. You may not have needed this reminder, but, I showed up for it, first in line. I'm not sure whether to say Amen or Oh Me! What say you?

The online grocery ordering process is working okay. There are some things about it that irritate me but they are not major issues. The store does push their own branded products. I know they do have the other stuff we typically buy because I have been in the store recently but the ones that come up for ordering often do not include those. I don't mind them substituting when they don't have the item they thought they had when we placed the order. I suppose that can happen. However, again, I wouldn't want it to be the case where they substitute in order to favor their higher-margin store brand. They do send notice and I don't have to accept the substitution and I might not in a normal situation, but, as we all know, this is not a normal situation. The folks who bring the groceries out to the curbside are very courteous and efficient. I've drawn the same young lady the only two times I've picked up my groceries. This last time we learned she has just recently lost her mom. We are praying for her and her family. She told us she was working about 36 hours a week but many were working longer hours. We have one granddaughter who works at a fabric store who is working primarily because they are using their product inventory and equipment to produce protective masks. Most other stores are shut down, but, she and several of her coworkers continue to have jobs supporting those dealing with this virus pandemic.

Speaking of grandchildren, our granddaughter Tiffany and her family moved to San Antonio last year. We were used to seeing them often, but, now, not so much. We were able to see them for this past Christmas. This past Sunday with everyone doing their civic duty and limiting contact as much as possible, I pulled up my Facebook and soon landed on the above photo. It was put up by Tiffany's husband, Brandon. Our great grands! I don't know why but my eyes filled immediately with tears as I thought about how isolated we are from one another. There was an older lady on a British sitcom from many years ago who used to exclaim, "Men! They are as weak as water." I fear that as the comic strip character Pogo used to say, "We have met the enemy and he is us." While we have been quarantined we watched a movie where the family dog had to be put down. Our pup Bentley was laying at my feet. It was almost as sad as that scene from Old Yeller. I told the wife, "That's one reason I never wanted a dog because I do not want to go through something like that." Sentimentality in overdrive, or, just senile. I can't be altogether sure, therefore, I cast my vote for it being a blended hue of all of the above. Who would have ever thought? At the same time, I am thankful to be here to write about it. May God bless each one. Amen. ....More later.

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